Tag Archives: compassion


This year it is over 100.000 views,

Night Photo in the rain
One of those nights I was taking photos in the dark

with me working very little on it. Last year 413,000 views. I worked on it.

    I am going through a rough time. But I am managing following through with a major medical issue.

    That little cm, nodule that they did a biopsy on, was benign a year ago, but is malignant now, or seems to be. Let me put it this way, it lit up on the pet scan.

    The Dr. wanted to cut out a third of the bottom of my left lung. My twin was with me, said no way. Second opinion. We ended up agreeing to another Radiology go through my side to the lung to get another piece or take it out.

    December 4, 2023. I slept on it. The next day I called the office, and I asked if he was an oncologist. She said, no. I told her cancel that surgery, and I am no longer going there.

    It turns out they sent me to a different Dr. that was on the paper work. It is probably gone now.

    So, I am trying to stay calm, and not totally freak out. I have been hibernating in my room, when not doing the daily devotionals.

    I have wasted time, I could have been working on the writings. I just could not force myself. Twenty eight years, is a long time.

    I have the oncologist appointment on the 19 of January. My ex-husband is going with me. My twin is not here. Four ears are better than two, and his wife does not mind.

    They say The Dr. is the best Oncologist down here. Otherwise, I am going to try, and get into MD Anderson, in Houston. I just want to see if this Dr. can diagnose me, and hopefully, do it down here. That way Richard does not have to go into a Nursing Home.

    I do not think they take my insurance. So I am not answering their calls until, I see the Dr. on the 19th.

    I want to be able to pray, I am trying to get unstuck. I used to get so excited working on my writings, reading them, working on them, writing all of them, reading the King James Version of the Bible.

    It has been an unproductive year on my site, but the site still got over 100,000 views. Here to be content, because again I could not force myself to work on it.

    I need to find inspiration again. It has been to long. I just need some time, until they find out what they are going to do with my left lung.

    I do have six nodules inside both my lungs. But they have not grown, only the one they did the biopsy on, I know I am repeating myself.

    Well, this is as personal as it gets. I did not take care of myself. I am admitting it right here, right now. No if, ands, or buts about it. Wendy

© 2024 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell


Oh Lord, have mercy on the entire World.

Foggy night, front yard
One of those nights I took a hundred’s Photo’s

Lord Jesus in your name I do pray. It is amazing the depths of my souls voyage. To stay constant, in presence of spirit, would be the ultimate.

    Oh but that I am a constant in motion, since the writings came to be, entwined, in presence of spirit. My Blessing on the World, “In Presence of Spirit.” “You are, and I am In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.”

    Thank you Jesus Christ for the presence of the Holy Spirit, throughout, “In Presence of Spirit.com” I am sharing our times, in presence of spirit, with the World. I love you, Jesus Christ, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, with one heart to heal. Wendy

© 2022-2023 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell


Put the other entries in the electronic book

No rain, particles from technology the phone camera with a flash
Love the sphere’s

for now. I am waiting for the way to be shown.

    It is a matter of days, weeks, months, no more years for this book.

    I figure I will keep it open until the opportunity arises for the manuscript to be printed.

    Oh, it has to be almost perfect. My way complete this time. Accept my quoting myself. The Spirit of me, and him who gave this beautiful book to me.

    The Holy Spirit, knew I would share, even though to date it has not been read. It was a meant to be published even though it did not sale or has not been read. The first book.

   “In Presence of Spirit,” still means the same thing today as it did the day I wrote them, all of them. I am still adding. I figure any one of these days will be the day I manuscript my personal writing to the Lord. Conversations with the Lord.

    Thank you for showing me my place in your plan, through you Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus. The time has come, I can not wait anymore. It is step by step, it is meant to be. It is not my imagination. It is what it is. “A gift to you and yours, and from you and yours, to put an end to the pain, and peace to our souls” through Jesus Christ our Lord, and Savior.

    I do not know what is going on with me. I am excited about the writings, and how big it is. All the work I have done. The Chronological is in order.

    I know in my heart that it is significant, to the fulfillment, of my personal journey, from darkness to light.

    My book writing days are coming to an end. What will I do? God will show me. It is not over, it is the beginning. I am sending it out soon.

    I feel it. I have projected it’s out come since, “To Whom I May Concern,” November 25, 1995. It is altogether, now.

    It is meant to be completed and certified into Publication. Without any outsiders making any decision against it, in any way, shape, or form.

    This is a maximum input. It is maintained, it is consistent, it is extensions of, “In Presence of Spirit.com” It is the rest of, my conversations with the Lord.

    It is the way I wrote them, and it is meant to be. If it was not, it would not be present, and it is all here, written by me, myself, and I. The proof, the verification, the credential, Published Book. “I still have them they are twenty years old now.” Wendy

© 2022-2023 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell


I have many prayers, I can publish.

Night photo of my tree
God Bless The World

    I have started a chain reaction, that will activate the oneness in Spirit, that is ours, right here, right now. Now is the time.

    Be bold, be strong, let it all hang out in the awakening of World Union, in the purity of Christ Consciousness. United for all time, space and significant reason.

    In Jesus name, Hi Lord, wow we have come a long way since, “In Presence of Spirit.” Thank you for hearing me. Thank you for all our times, “In Presence of Spirit.”

    Thank you for each and every writing, Published no not published. I could not wait to share anymore.

    Guide me to find the answers of what I am supposed to do now that people are finding our, inpresenceofspirit.com. 

    We have come to where your will and my will is done.

   “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end.”

    “Glory be to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

    “Sweet Mercies,” “In Presence of Spirit,” “State of Being,” is the being one with the most Holy.

    Oh Lord, Help from henceforth to forever. I had to Publish, “To You,” Look Past Myself,” Every one of them, I need to share for the Glory is God’s coming into a sinner from darkness to the light of the Holy Presence in Spirit, “In Presence of Spirit.”

    God is life, love, breath. “We are all born of God through Jesus. Our nourishment is through Christ, for we know God will show us our destiny through Christ Jesus.”

    I have done a mighty work for the Lord. Without all outside institutions.

    Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior of eternities soul. I love you Jesus Christ. Thank you for all my times in the spirit of your ever presence.

    Thank you for all of my grand children the tenth is going to born any hour.

    It is always a trip going down memory lane with my personal conversations with the Lord. I have worked like I did not need the money.

    I am secluded, I know no one but my immediate family.

    “Thank you for loving me throughout the writings of, “In Presence of Spirit.com” Your Welcome. Wendy

© 2022-2023 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell


One month ago today,

My Moon Photo
I do not take a lot of photo’s anymore

my Father’s second wife past on, she was 101, and eight months. They were married fourteen years. He is going to be 89, the first week of February.

    My Father, is living here now, with his two, fourteen year old dogs. They are good chihuahua’s.  I had to take driving privilege’s away from him, he is happy about that. He has Neuropathy in his feet, and cannot feel them. It is like a foreign country here to him. He also has a pig valve, they say it is good for ten years. It has been about eleven.

    I drive him in the car my brother bought for the home. Dad has his own car. Sitting in the drive way which is fine, and dandy with me.

    I have a monster 2000 F-150, I took him to the storage in it, and he said, I am a good driver. I have a steel foot stool, he stands up on that, and he gets the bar, and I stand there in case he gets dizzy. Oh me, oh my.

    I have not lived with my Dad since I was 21, I am going on 62. I have not watched television in a month. So funny.

    I watch CSI on Pluto on my phone, and computer sometimes. I am not interested anymore. I cut news out last year. I do read my news feeds, some of them.

    This is not the half of it. Richard fell down, December 9, 2020, has not walked since, he could stand and hold onto his walker. Since, November 05, 2021, he is bed bound.

    My sister and I tag team, I do the transferring to, and from the porta. His body is atrophied, stiff, three fingers work on his left hand. I use a gate belt, with my left hand, and hold his three fingers that work, and pull him up and over. Then when I bring him back his legs are straight they do not bend, half way off the bed. Do the clean up, then I get the gate belt, bring his legs around on the bed. Then he pulls with his left arm, and hand to the top of his bed. Then the diaper change. My sister does the prepping. It is sad, but he is strong willed. He was not ready for Hospice. I am not going to call on them. He is 79 with Cerebral Palsy.

    They are sending a Dr. over here to make a house call. It was supposed to happen last week. They canceled, I only found out because I called. I did not want an excuse. He has to wait until the 21st. They are going to give him a provider, for some hours a week. My Dad needs one also. I believe it. 1/09/2022

    1/11/2022 – I think this is why I have decided to start Publishing again. Without dates. They go back in time. In sentence form even though I am indenting them all.

    It has been my way, since the beginning. I am the Author of “In Presence of Spirit,” out of the blue sky. I love the writings, the prayers, the communion with the Holy Spirit. I still do not have that gut wrenching pain, so I know God is still with me.

The F-150 was my Son’s, he had it here since April 1999. I had to do the paper work for it, because I needed to go get the rest of my Father’s stuff, at Arroyo City. So, I was pushed to do it. I had already driven a 20 Foot U-Haul, from Harlingen to the Arroyo, then back to McAllen. In twelve hours. Dad was behind me.

    It has power. It is big. It is my truck now. I want to go to the races by myself. I do not know anyone. I will, one of these weekends.

    Talk about isolation. Twenty years here. My brother bought the house, and I do not have to worry about being booted out.

    It is filled with three Greenwell’s, and one Hagen, three small dogs, and two female Albino Cockatiels, that can not hatch an egg. My sister takes care of them. Now that my Father is here, they do not scream, he said, “cut it out,” they chirp quietly, for a month. This is funny.

    Oh, this one is a good one. Richard was talking to his brother in Virginia. I heard him say, “Richard do you want to stay with Wendy, or go to a Nursing Home.” He said, “I want to stay with Wendy.” You can only go into a Nursing home if you have Medicaid. He is not eligible. That is what the Nurses said from Hospice.

    I panicked at the onset. My twin, reminded me how she used to take care of her bed bound patients. So, I am calm. He is not my patient, he is my friend. This is not a job. It is something I have to do, because there is no one else to do it.

    The outside help is going to finally come in, and do something. Cause I can not put him in the car anymore.  My sister, and I need a break. 398, no day we missed. Wow!

      What are my plans for the Website? I am going to give it one more year, because I already paid for the SSL. Up to date on everything else. I am protected, with Security. Even though I am all alone.

    With no outside communication, no comments, no subscribers, no social. No e-mail address. No access for others to go on my site, and do what? It’s almost antique writings. They still mean the same thing today as the days I was, “In Presence of Spirit.” 

    I share them with you, anyone who needs a little or a lot of time, “In Presence of Spirit.” Wendy

© 2022 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell