It was for me to go straight to the Lord, and ask for forgiveness.
Ask Jesus Christ, for help, for strength, for worthiness, for acceptance, for purification, sanctification, for cleansing, for courage, for peace.
Jesus said it, Okay Wendy, take up your cross, and go with me, and I did. I walked completely out of my life, with nothing but the knowledge, that the Lord, wanted me to take a rest, a rest with him, to heal, my soul.
My most memorable moments is every minute, I was absorbed in my writings with the Lord. I believe what I believe, and I know in my inner being that it is truth. Wendy
Show me your way, guide us through to forever. Open the gates of eternal life for everyone in Jesus Christ, peace is.
Holy Father return me to the path you have chosen. Lord Christ Jesus, open up everyone’s heart to understanding. Guide them through with your presence, your touch.
I am by myself in this so, I need all your Angels to pick up their wings, and fly like the windy meadows, like the roaring waves, like the highest mountains, and deepest oceans, to the furthest planet.
To the one source that you are. Hold firm the passion in my writings that are etched in my heart. Renew my Spirit, bring gladness to hearts for sure there is an end to the pain.
Lord, I ask now that you recognize my writings in Spirit, so peace will be granted to the Unities of Spirit, that are in Christ Jesus hand.
Spreading the word of truth for the purification of our souls to all Humanity. In the purity of Christ Jesus. Thank you Father God my soul dwells with thee. Wendy
Maker of The Heavens, and The Earth. We bow down, In Spirit, of The Heavenly Presence.
I think it is a beautiful moon photo
Bring Us, out of the wilderness and into, In Presence of Spirit. Clear the misconceptions of the negative part of History. Bring a new day, a new song, a new feeling of freedom from despair. Open Our hearts to understanding.
Spark the light that is, In Presence of Spirit, in the Ever Presence of Your Majesty. It is All for One, and One for All, for All Time. Not for a day, a week, a month, a year, for Eternity.
Heal the lineage of our Ancestors, DNA, that still lives in us. All the Wars for Religious sake! “Why cant we all be brothers and sisters. We can because we are!”
Cut the cobwebs of discontent, and clear the airwaves, inside and out, for a Generational Cleansing to a oneness in Truth, that is ours for the asking.
Heal the air that we breathe. Cut the cords of all the Generational Abominations of the negative side of doom.
“Bring gladness to hearts, for sure there is an end to pain.” Bring healing from All Trauma. Bring all afflictions to a halt. Rain down heavenly manna on the Whole Entire Oneness in Spirit. Here, there, and everywhere. In every dimension in time, space, and significant reason.
The Awakening has begun. Spark the light of Love in the One Soul of Eternity. One God All Mighty, One Son, and One Holy Spirit, The Holy Trinity that is ever-present.
“Knock and the door will be opened.” Hold fast my love for a new day, a new week, a new month, a new year, In Presence of Spirit, with You, and everyone, who will read my writings one day. I ask, “for the forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are Sanctified by faith that is in Me. ” Jesus Christ
Stop the fighting, the wars, the history of what was, the causalities, all over the World. The Hate, the Crime, the Abuse in the Spiritual, Physical, Mental. The lies, the burdens, the pain, and isolation, the narcistic controllers.
Heal the broken hearted. Bring the cures for every illness. Bring light to the darkened corners of our hearts. Open the eye of Our Hearts to You, my Lord, my Love, my reason for making it through all these years, sharing my writings.
Nothing is the same since my Son’s passing. Sleeping a lot. I fell at the end of February, and hurt my left knee real bad.
Thank You Lord for this time, “In Presence of Spirit.” I Love you. ” “In the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be World without end. Amen. Wendy October 7, 2020
Wendy with Jesus, {the Holy Spirit,} “In Presence of Spirit,” in writing to The World.
Wendy with Jesus In Presence of Spirit in writing to The World
Make no doubt about it, The Lord hath called His People home, them that can hear let them come unto God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
I leave all the plans in Your Hands, Lord because I cannot see it in mine. I know first hand how essential these writings are to the Lord and I. I insist on completing it. So People will be soothed, and regenerate internally to external purification.
All in all, it is a significant passage for everyone, not just myself.
We are one in Spirit. I can with the whole will of My Father who ordained me, Wendy, to write Our Book for anyone who needs to recuperate, and find their way to the Presence of Spirit, in every heart, “In the Kingdom, the Holy Will Is Done.”
To Jesus Christ,
“but what oneself is to You Dear Lord, what you have given me, my love, and my life, to fulfill the plan You have made for every person on this planet we call earth. 1988 “IN PRESENCE OF SPIRIT.” Oh Lord, I give to You, “I am, In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.” June 12, 2008,
Oh, Jesus, we need so much.
We need Your Presence To Fill Us, Renew Us, Regenerate Us. Fill Our Ever Presence with Your Eternal Presence, and Bring Us Where You Want Us To Be. Hold fast Your Love, Your People are searching, and not finding You, they can not hear You. Lord Open Up, and Send The Sound Waves so they can listen to you. August 9, 2008
Well, I have done some inputting and quite a bit of reading.
I have written several writings in the last few weeks. 2008 is already over 17,000 words by itself. If I did not have this book to work on all these years since the day I left I would not have made it.
“Go into the “I,” of You, and talk To the Lord
In the privacy of your mind, and your soul receives the messages that are waiting to be set free inside your private house. Talk to Jesus. Tell him your innermost thoughts. Confess what you need to so He can help cleanse you in the blood of Jesus Christ.
Now would be a good time to read John 17 The Whole Chapter. Jesus Christ Prayer to God. Read Romans and Hebrews, and Corinthians read. Ask Jesus Christ to help you through this hard time in your life. Give Him you, confide in Him, ask Him for guidance, understanding. Give it to God. December 24, 2008, Wendy Yvette Greenwell
I am a twin, and I have Twin Norfolk Island Pine Trees My Favorite.
Do you see the difference between flesh and spirit? I did not think, “In Presence of Spirit,” was a boring book. It is full of Jesus Christ Spirit. The Holy Spirit guided me through. You know I have not written in months, notable. Anyway, I have a lot of pages that have not been edited yet. I have sixty edited writings done, and printed out a book of their own. “Conversations with the Lord,”That is what I will name it, HA. Giggle!
I got caught up in the worldly “working,” and I traveled, Big Bend twice, and to the States from here to Canada then North Dakota back home, not that much. I had the hand of Jesus Christ on my shoulder even when I did not feel it. The conscious, right way, the wrong way; deception of the realities of our actual existence, which is through Jesus Christ.
We are Spiritual Beings, and we are on a journey through the passage of time to the dawning of the age of the Spirit Man through Jesus Christ. To see the veil of the sanctuary lifted, so we can see, feel, and hear, The Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ’s Ever Presence.
Jesus Christ stands firm in all The Children, all The Spiritual Beings since time began. Choices have been deliberate because of the outer abominations of desolation. It is regenerating itself through the oneness with Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. The Holy Trinity is the one and only ruler of our souls.
We will be alright through Jesus Christ who strengthens us. In good times in bad, in the ever-presence of our souls. We will overcome the evil abominations that are consuming the entire world.
Jesus Christ is at The Highest Level.
The Angels Together and they are Rejoicing. I felt you could probably use some wordsof encouragement, to the oneness of truth through Christ Jesus, anything is possible. “That passion through Christ is so much more awesome.”
I am enjoying, sharing quality time “In Presence of Spirit,” that is what it is. “In Presence of Spirit, A Journey from Darkness to The Light. A Song, A Praise, A Verse, A Prayer, A Poem To You With Love Wendy.”
My dedication that each of us is going through even though, no one is fessing up. My words through Christ are up there, they are floating in space, and time, and will be fulfilled in God’s time, not mine. Isn’t this fun?
Awe, it feels good to be free to express a different perspective on our present situation.
A Gift from Jesus Christ. A way to escape for a moment in time, In The Oneness of Truth. More of the inner than the outer, if you get my drift.
From without hope to the one faith, that is through Jesus Christ, Our Christ Jesus, Lord of Lord, God of God, Father of, “In Presence of Spirit,” through me. Even with time’s, time and a half, the time has come. Something is going to happen Worldwide because it has been written by many. In Christ, We are In The Holy Spirit’s Presence, and The Holy Spirit is In Us, and the Christ Spirit is Round About.He is here guiding the end to fruition, The Power, and Glory Forever, Amen.How are you? Are you absorbing the writings from my heart? That is igniting the oneness with Christ again.
Backslider does not know how to get back with all the commotion. We need some downtime to hear, to look, to understand the writings on our hearts since time began. Time is no matter. We are alright.
We will make it through along with the World through, The Christ Spirit, Within Us All,waiting to be set free. Anyone else who reads these pages. Things I needed to say, I got to say! Hopefully, if you read the words of my writings, of my letters, especially these last ones, you can tell the difference from my heart to yours, in Faith of The Ever Presence of The Holy Spirit.
Oh man, it would be a shame to throw these pages away, lost forever. But I guess not really; they are already in the realm of Holiness. A constant in our beings. FREE THE WOMEN AND THE CHILDREN! FREE THE WORLD FROM DAMNATION, Through Christ Jesus, who strengthens us.
We are, “In Presence of Spirit.”
You know the Holy Spirit knows why, “In Presence of Spirit,” is used so much. It is my life’s work, even though, not a book, has been sold. Can you believe that? Whoa, a lot of words. One of these days or nights, I am going to have to read my book. I have not read it yet, isn’t that weird. I have tried, but not in a while. I can still recite, but I have not been doing it — a lot of years.
It is still in my heart, and it is everlasting words from Jesus Christ with love, through me. In One Heart, One Love, One Hope, of Our Eternal Spiritual, Father of All, in Faith of The Eternal Presence.
Thank You, Jesus Christ, for letting me write, positive helpful, fulfilling words. In prose, a conversation with three, The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit, through Jesus Christ to Us, The Chosen. “pain is back in my eye; I need to take a break. 8:30 a. m. whoa, I had to stop writing, I was in awful pain for over an hour.”
It is Sunday; I am isolating myself in the oneness of Spirit to enlighten, to inspire, to achieve that which has been set forth.Even in bondage, declare the time of the Lord. I want to talk like this, but I cannot. Well, I had the most beautiful job to do, write, with the Lord. I needed downtime. I did — ten years.
You know I wrote, “In Presence of Spirit,”the first writing in April 1988. Thank God, I have a copy of the original. The Lord gave me the mission of my very own. I must write to you, for some reason. It is just flowing out, and I do not want to stop, this is my calling.
Hidden in the fog again, clarify transition, granted.
“Clarity of Our True Reality, through Christ Jesus, who Strengthens Us.”Awe, I need to read, how? My eye is acting up. I had to ice my eye it was bad. It took the main pain away; I got to sleep. I hope you are fine, sorry for taking so long to be constructive again in writing. Blessing you in understanding from our heart to yours, “Christ Jesus and Wendy writing to the World.”Stop the madness. Turn to Jesus Christ.
Revealed, came to mind. “Reveal the inner parts of our Soul’s Voyage.”“Without you are lost, within you are one in Spirit.”You can escape into the inner chamber where Our Lord is there, carrying you through to your tomorrow, is but a breath away.
Endure, stay strong, you are a gifted Man. You are using it for Christ Jesus, and you are helping lost souls find the path to freedom from pain, forgiveness through Jesus Christ Salvation. Our Lord and Savior guided us through the brim and fire to come into, “In Presence of Spirit,” In One Heart, One Mind, One Soul. Through Christ Jesus, who is Omnipresent.
Well, you saw the transitional writing, the
excerpting red ink, that’s what you use and leave what is not needed, out. We are Okay. I am afraid my eye is going to start hurting again. The pain was like a migraine in my eye.
I have my index cards,
I have the name date when I edited them when completed, and I made some of the sixty edited pieces. I should put it all together. I have been meaning to, I just have not had a chance. I know more or less how I need everything in specific order. Everything has it’s time, place and quality reason, not dysfunctional anymore.
I am gaining knowledge, and the oneness through Christ, and what He is doing through my writings, to you with love. Now it is “Conversations with The Lord,” and my husband of my youth, who is my brother in Christ Jesus. There is a reason for the words. I pray they open your soul to understanding.
“Am I insane,” No, it is for The Glory of God, in Heart Soul Revelation. At The Holy Coming. I hope you are reading. The only place I can contact you is, “In Presence of Spirit,” in an all the way around needed explanation. August 21, 2005, Wendy Yvette Greenwell
First signs of Narrow-Angle Glaucoma I have. Eleven years now. Thank you, Lord, for sight. I messed up on this last part, I can not fix it. December 12, 2018, This is beautiful, see I got to love him, “In Presence of Spirit,” no strings attached. Wendy