It is, November 25, 2014, It is the day, November 25, 1995, I wrote,

Moon photo from the house.
I Believe The Lord Helped Me Find My Way To Sharing My Writings

“To Whom I May Concern.” “The Accounts Are, Therefore,  Brought forth, To Be Certified, When Completed.

I am guessing, 2014,

is, “The Year.” I am working on my commas and taking all the bold black off the writings, and of course, the Major Capitalization.  I am detailing it. I should have done that, a long time ago. I did not get it until I saw, some guy, for two seconds says, “He used a lot of commas,” to make the points.

I believe that the Lord, helped me find my way, to sharing, all 335 Writings.

I took Richard to the Doctor yesterday, they gave him his flu shot and the other one pneumonia, well. His tire came off of his wheelchair.

    I showed the Nurses at the Dr.’s office the wheelchair. And the man said the other tire was also gone. They tried to get him an electric chair. It would be impossible for him to get on and off. My Dad said they have small ones. I know he can’t get on and off. With or without me, I was there.

    So the guy comes to check on, Richard’s wheelchair. I went to the car and got, Richard’s Wheelchair, out. I showed him the steel tire, ha. He said, “why do you have this wheelchair.” I said, well that is what they gave him. He said, “it was for someone, that wheels themselves.

    The Company has one, that is for what, I need — seeing how I am the one wheeling him around. Well, I have had no help all these years. At least, maybe this time, it is going to be lighter, and not have the big tires. Oh well, we used what he had.

    The Lift Chair has not worked, in years. He can only use three fingers on each hand, for me to help him up. It is so sad and these People, know now, He needs a Hoyer lift of some sort, and a shower I can wheel him, with a rolling shower chair, with a lock.

    Never to this day made this house handicap accessible, and The Doctors Office, never did anything, until yesterday and today what is up with that.

    Like I said once, where is, The Foundation for Cerebral Palsy, for Adult People, who need their, home handicap accessible. Guess there is not one. We are still without a water heater. These people will not send the money. I am procrastinating for nothing. “The reason I was waiting was that the guy went joint compound happy on the ceiling and I thought they would not accept it, but they did.”

November 26, 2014,

Well, I have been playing around with Customization, Categories. What is not right, are the writings, like The Beginning, (I just figured it out, I have to specify the year. but why ha, the computer is confused.) I do not have time to figure it out. So I have always left it as is until I change it. Not the words, the structure.

Everything Richard cannot do ever,

For himself since I have known him. I do for him, Not complaining, Richard is 72 now. We have been friends for 15 years now. No way I could have done any of this on my own. The home and all the necessities.

Received the standard wheelchair

The one with the big tires that is the only way I can take him anywhere. We finally have the water heater. So all the house needs are met but I do not like the color of the paint on the house. Yuk. I have to live with it. Wendy Yvette Greenwell November 26, 2014

© 2014-2024 by Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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