I need to say for some reason I call them excerpts
when in actuality they are extensions that are part of the one whole of all of, “In Presence of Spirit.com.” This is going to be five parts. I am ready.
Writing Excerpts
I have been writing excerpts from all the writing in which I was inspired to write. My 73-year-old living Guardian Angel and co-worker read seventy-three pages of the writings and told me to continue in my quest for someone eventually to Publish. LOL!
My family says, “they are only for me, not anyone else.” and “we will read them when it is Published,” oh what a shame. I have placed it all in God’s time, and I feel God’s time is near. He would not have enabled me to write as I have and not do anything with it. I know, “In Presence of Spirit,” will be published and many people will be soothed with the promises God has given us all along. January 20, 1997
We need proof of demise
And what happened outcome from an evasive past of the end of sin to find Christ as my Savior. I have a different perspective on this years later, but I can write it with emotions. This I must do. April 1997
Lord guide me, direct me, ignite the light of you in my heart.
Galatians 41:10 “ye observe days, and months, and times and years.” August 14, 1997
Help Me!
Where is my life as it is supposed to be? The seeds have been sown, and I demand fruition. The wages of yuk dung have fallen hard; we need to break the chains of bondage of any kind again until they cannot form one more time.
We are purposely here, to reach and go beyond a radical potential that has been sleeping for ages. Go forward to the clearing of the misconceptions of Human Hood Into The Presence of The Most High right here on Earth in the here and now.
I want to write again,
I want to get out of these mundane perceptions and jump into the truth that is ours for the asking. I cannot spend on trivia. I need to go beyond the comprehensible. I have to jump off the mountain and fly out into, “In Presence of Spirit,” Radical changes Wendy, where do you start?
Instant help stability satisfaction guarantee or you can stay in darkness. Get the job and start picking up again. October 7, 1997, This is an integration process that can be obtained by everyone, World over. Mass Awareness of the degenerative forces that have utterly consumed the planet with inexhaustible repetitious cycles of total deterioration. October 16, 1997, Wendy Yvette Greenwell Whoa, I had to put it in.
© 1997-2023 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell