I listened to Jeremy Camp, over and over again, all his songs.

Interesting Clouds
Happy Valentine’s Day Lord

On YouTube. I just found him in January 2013. I did not know anything about him; I had not seen him. But I have been singing with him for years.

Every time I heard him on KVMV FM. Faith, Hope, and Love 96.9 FM.

    Valentine’s Day: Happy Valentines Day, Lord of Lord, God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ.

Bring The Redemption of Everyone’s, hearts, and souls in, “Unity for Our Dear Lord God Almighty.” 

    So I am supposed to quote everything I write or what? I do not know how to do that, Ha, what is done is done, no taking it back. It has been a while since I have written.

Oh, how I miss being, “In Presence of Spirit,” with You Lord.

    I have shared You, over eighteen thousand times. Well, I did, what I had to. It has not gotten to the ones, that need to know, now!

Oh Lord Have Mercy on The Entire World.

    Where are the words? Where is my faith? Where is my understanding, Where is my strength, Where is my courage, Where is my desire, Where is my patience, Where is my knowledge, Where is my steadfastness? 

Where is my love?

    Where are You, my Holy Spirit, of Your Presence, In Spirit, with me and anyone, who will yet, one day, read my writings, and understand them? God Bless Humanity. No one left out. February 14, 2013, Wendy Yvette Greenwell  

©2013-2024 inpresenceofspirit.com by Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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