Category Archives: 2007


In Jesus Christ name I pray,

Moon without a flash
Holy Spirit of You Jesus Christ, help me, guide me, direct me to where You want me to start working on the writings again

Jesus, I do not know what to do. I am at a standstill, and I am having a lot of eye pain, migraines,  “that were not migraines at all.”

Oh, Jesus where is my passion?

    Where is my focus? Where is my love? My life? My understanding? I am missing You, Oh Lord in Your Holy Spirit, I am calling out Lord Jesus Christ my Lord, my life, my only reason for living still.

I want to feel Your Presence.

    I want to feel Your soft touch. I want to hear Your still small voice saying, “Complete Wendy what I have given you to do. Finish “In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.” 

I believe with all my heart

    You are the Author through Your Holy Spirit with me and guided me even if sometimes I think I am alone. My Lord, My Savior, My Holy Father, My Husband, My Friend, My Companion, My Master of Creation, My Jesus Christ through Your Holy Spirit, I need to hear from You. April 23, 2007

Dear Lord in Your Name I do Pray.

    Thank You, Jesus Christ, for this day help me, and everyone in all Your Ways. Bless The World with Your Salvation, Your Love Throughout All Ages.

Help me Lord do Your Will.

Holy Spirit of You Jesus Christ, help me, guide me, direct me to where You want me to start working on the writings again. I so desire to get closer to You. To hear You, when You speak, to be lit up with the joy of Your Everlasting Breath.

    Bless me to understanding Your Words through the scriptures and whatever books, I need to read on getting closer to You. Thank You, Jesus Christ, Thank You Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ. April 21, 2007, Wendy Yvette Greenwell

© 2007-2023 Wendy Yvette Greenwell



I have the complete writings, to complete.

My mirror image Norfolk Island Pine, not here anymore
My Mirror Image Norfolk Island Pine.

    My prayer garden needs some work. I need to know, that I know, what to do, and I need to do it. I do not need anyone’s permission, no one, but the only one, Jesus Christ who gave it all to me for the price, of the asking.

    I have done the rest, the time, just sailed by. I feel I grabbed precious moments in spirit to spirit communication, and the verification has touched the one I wrote.

    It was not to win him back, it was to free us from the wounds of our separate pasts, plus our past together, fourteen, and a half years, and our twelve beautiful but hard years apart.

    To put Jesus Christ at the head of our relationship, and to share it with him, because he was the only one who asked me to pray with him. He opened me up to the inside of me, where I found Jesus Christ, my writings, and my inner turmoil of no meaning for so many years.

    This is what I was looking for. A piece of heaven, a positive future for Mankind. A healing of each and every soul, who asks, and receives, a passion for Jesus Christ, he gave his life for all, he bore our sins, so once, we can be forgiven, and give to him what is rightfully his, our hearts, minds, and souls, be one in spirit, one in the Lord, be universally knowledgeable.

    This is the knowledge, I was given. I still can not speak it. So with all this over one hundred six thousand words, writing with the Lord. I have to complete! December 1, 2007, Wendy Greenwell

©2007-2024 Wendy Yvette Greenwell


It does not matter.

My tees and house plant again that used to take up a lot of space.
We Are Worthy To Accept The Testimonies Herein

Get over it, OK. Oh Lord have mercy on Us. Forgive me, my sins. We are worthy, to accept, the testimonies, herein. I am not alone. We can not torment ourselves over, and over, after Salvation, because we are cleansed. Lord teach me, Your Will. Guide and direct me, To what, You want me to do, with our writings. I do not know where to go. I do not know who, to send it.

    Oh Jesus, Your Resurrection to Life Eternal, is Complete. You are waiting for us, to make up our minds. Can there be the presence of spirit, living in me? Wanting to be set free, wanting the powers, that fill The Spirit, with more power. To Produce through, Mankind Healing, from You through them. What am I asking for? But a chance to be read. December 25, 2007, Wendy Yvette Greenwell

© 2007-2024 by Wendy Yvette Greenwell


I think 2007,

Blue clouds surrounding the Moon
The Kingdom of Heaven is Within

It is the year, that my book (writings) is complete. Twenty-one years since I wrote, “In Presence of Spirit.” Twelve years, Divorced. Six grandchildren, one in heaven. Forty-nine writings for 2007.

I want to write, and I have nothing to say:

Jesus Christ Bless this day in every way, In Your Name, I do Pray. Jesus Christ Bless this day, with Your Wealth of Spirit. In Your Name, I do Pray.

    Jesus Christ, Guide and Direct, Our Hearts To The Answers, of The Whole Truth. In Your Name, I Do Pray. Jesus Christ show me, what You want me to do. My ex-husband is persistent about me going to confession.

I am going today.

I feel it is a gift, from You to me, from Chris. He takes no credits for my Book or the reasons that be. So he is not vain, which is good, in this respect. He is humble and spiritual, and he is, in the light of, You Jesus.

    He says, I am not supposed to lose you at all. I thought that You are, The Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, and it is You; I have been communicating, in writing, for a long time.

I think I am supposed to learn, what I have written through, The Holy Spirit.

I think this is our relationship. I feel, (consider) how can all these extensive writings, that are with You, From You, For You, In The Presence of You. How can I be missing, the most critical point of all?

    My relationship with You, is not complete? Is it because I have not gone to confession. Twenty-nine years, since my last confession. Why? Human Priest, I do not remember what he said, but there was no forgiveness, and I purely let go of my Catholic heritage. So it must have been pretty bad.

Years later, I had to go to a CC D class for my Children. The Priest asked, Where is, “The Kingdom of Heaven.”

    I said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is within.” someone laughs. The Priest says she is right, “The Kingdom of Heaven is within, every one of us.”

    Well Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, which I have been communicating, with for two decades, on paper, and all my life of belief. In Your Ever Presence, even though for years, I could not feel.

Confession today

for You and Me, Jesus, because I need You Complete, and You need me complete. I want to be here for You. Please place an understanding of what he is saying to me. It is possible that he is right. I know he is because he has encompassed the whole realm, through his bought, with all the associates, of life. He has read, the gift that has been given, to me. Well, some of it.

    I am going to go. I have to give this to You Jesus Christ for Your Birthday. I went I was absolved of my sins. I can go to communion now. December 22, 2007, Wendy Yvette Greenwell

© 2007-2024 by Wendy Yvette Greenwell


I would not forgive myself.  

Ship Channel
Thank You, Jesus, For Giving Me Breath

Dead of eternal life. In a void, of no understanding. No brain function, just like a floater, no constructive energy thought. The same ole, nothing is going on, on the inside of me.

    Open up my heart again, Lord. Please do not bring the floods. I have done enough crying for a lifetime. Is that being, emotionless? Detach! Bring into, One United Purpose. 

       Speaking, “every person on this planet we call earth.” The entire of the whole, guided by The Holy Spirit, to bring about massive change, in the healing of the earth’s, negative forces. Once I was negative, now I am positive.

    Yes, No, because my positive is captured in writing for the Lord. He is my inheritance, that I share, with all Mankind in, “In Presence of Spirit.” I Love You, Jesus Christ; You are, The Love, I prayed for, You are, The Love that brought forth, Your Precious, Presence in Spirit.

    You are, My Beloved, and I have spent thousands of hours with You, in my life, in all my writings, I have, and I do love You, and I share my love for You. Open my mind, lift my eyes to heaven, and give Praise, To My Father, In Heaven. Who Gave Me, the best gift of all, for me, a dialog, in Your Presence. Thank You, Jesus, for giving Me, breath. December 23, 2007, Wendy Yvette Greenwell 

© 2007-2024 by Wendy Yvette Greenwell from beginning to end