I am overwhelmed!

I Brought My Writings From Blogger Over Here

I have 308 writings on this Website. I brought my writings from blogger over here. To protect them so to speak. I needed a challenge.

This is a massive project.

I can not figure, all these, things out. Especially overnight. They want me in competition; I am not competing with no one. I can not rush, to have Google Search Engines, find my writings.  My S E O, I have to manually put them in. And I do not understand back links.

I have only been working on my writings, all this time.

I did not have to do, all these things, that is required, to have a Website, and I sure do not have any money, to have someone, do it for me. These writings are raw. They are me, with no one else.

Just me having conversations with the Lord.

With my lousy punctuation, My stressing Capital letters and anything else, proper, I should have put in. I came over here with 207 writings then, I brought another hundred from, my other blog. Accidentally, putting them on the same domain, Website, but they are all, “In Presence of Spirit.” So they are all together, which makes it,  just fine and dandy with me.

I also, have a problem with it, myself. 

2005 Writings, were from letters, that I wrote, with writings in them, to my husband of my youth. I knew one day, I would publish them, and out the blue I did. January 29, 2014, Wendy Yvette Greenwell

July 10, 2014,

My husband of my youth and my first child, is 32 today. I had three, She has two, his 2nd wife. Ten grandchildren and three on the way. Oh my Lord Help, Please, help Jesus, in your name. October 23, 2014, The fourteenth will be here in a few weeks. 11 boys, one in heaven and 3 girls. He was born April 12, 2016, then to find out the 15th is on the way.

©2014-2024 inpresenceofspirit.com by Wendy Yvette Greenwell 

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