We are United, “In Presence of Spirit,”

You Have Had A Crash Course In Something Magnificent

it is you, yeah you, who I am writing to, and to you, who will read it, it is to you, also.

It is to me, every time I read, and write, “I am, In Presence of Spirit.”

 Do you agree or disagree?

That I communicate In Presence of Jesus Christ Holy Spirit? He left Every One of Us, to find. “A Power Greater than Myself.” Like what? Someone else is with me.

    You are The Resurrection and The Life. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent, and You are on each page of my writing, “In Presence of Spirit.”
 Only Richard and I know what, The Lord of Hosts, has given me to do for humankind, not just for myself. Why me? Why not? You have had a crash course in something magnificent. June 2011 Wendy Yvette Greenwell 

©2011-2022 inpresenceofspirit.com by Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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