You forgot about me for a while.

What happened? I know all the lusts thereof worldly lives. Consumed with the outside interference. You have to go to the inner chamber, and meet your maker. You will show all your gifts for the altar. All the abominations that ultimately find one crashing down, no way out, but yes, there is the only way out through, Christ Jesus.
Our Prayers for the World are total acceptance. Release mind to heart ignition, then Baptism, total immersion, then everything starts unwinding.
The old misconceptions of life are being eliminated, through a process of transition. Which takes you through, the threshold of Christ Spirit, entwined with the Universal Ones. One in mind, heart, and soul, through Jesus Christ, who strengthens us.
OK, hopefully, your following. I am just writing. We need to bring the beautiful aspects of life back into our lives. It is the beginning of Eternity with You Lord and Savior.
I hope this is what you were’ asking. A different perspective on all our situations. What is going to come of this? the answer, “WORLD REUNION.” Is it working? What has the Lord planned? Yes. Like I have said a couple of times. Even though my book, has not sold, the prayers in it are out there in the heavens and on earth.
Thank you for asking me to pray, for our Son and the World and our Daughters, Who are all Parents themselves, and of course yours with her? Not that it affects me in the least.
I had to put all that in Jesus’ hands, I could not have any part of it. What is the use now? I forgave you, that is how God’s forgiveness is. “I accept you Lord as my Personal Savior.”
God forgives and wipes the slate clean, but it is that little process of time that constitutes the ritual cleansing. Most memories not to re-service unless you bring it out in your mind. God got me out of there, and He was with me the whole time. August 31, 2005, Wendy Yvette Greenwell
Just so you know my Divorce was on February 20, 1996, I am continuing Publishing these letter writings only for me, they belong with the rest of my writings. They are meant to be shared.
© 2005-2023 by Wendy Yvette Greenwell