APRIL 14, 2017

Dear Lord God Almighty

Sunset here where I have been for 21 years
Dear Lord God Almighty Maker of The Heavens and The Earth.

The maker of The Heavens and The Earth, Have Mercy on All Your People. Bring down Your Holy Comforter, United in Spirit, Bring Your Everlasting, Touch of Spirit, Rain Down, All Blessings on Mankind. Rekindle their innocence with, Your Presence in Spirit, Spark The Light of You, in Their Hearts.

    Stop the decay of degeneration and regenerate all Our God Given Rights as a Being of Light, Altogether, One with The Most Holy, Entwined in The Ever Presence of Your Majesty.

    Help God! We all need Your Help! In every way, shape, and form. The devastation of everything, human-made. We are all made of God from God through Jesus Christ, to every one of Us, no one person is left out.

    I Am Calling You Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit. I need You back; I need to be alive in Spirit and Awaken the darkest corner of my soul, to share the rest of the extensions of Our Writings, “In Presence of Spirit.”

Oh Lord, Help Us All. The World, the People, are suffering, so much. Show Us, the way out of the pits of despair. Bring Us into the presence of Us, and wash the past behind through Your Healing Process, which is an inspiration to go through.

    It sure has brought me out of darkness, for a second, into the light of Your World Awakening, In and Through, The Love of God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit. Thank You for Your Everlasting Presence in Spirit. April 14, 2017, Wendy Yvette Greenwell

© 2017-2024 inpresenceofspirit.com by Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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