Since I have, in a significant way,

My Son took this photo, I do not know where he was
We got lost for a number of days, and then one by one, we go through the exiled inhabitants, doing what I have done, in writing.

Done what I have done, and said to you, in all the letters, you received from Me, and all those that I am in custody. I seem not to be willing to give them to you anymore. As you have seen the thing, I told you, few days before I left, hold true.

I wanted nothing,

I got nothing, and I continued to get nothing. Not even the only thing you know I wanted, you refuse to give me. “Excuse me, but I do not even remember what that was.”

It is OK.

    You of all people, know what my writings are saying, through the Spirit of the Lord. You have left Me in Spirit, and that is OK.

I hope I can stay faithful to my words,

In forgiving your debt, for Child Support, that is a lot of money. I am not vindictive.  You could not, and did not say, thank you, I do not owe you anything, and I have given you of my heart, and you are more distant.

“Come out of the grave of the outer and into,” “In Presence of Spirit.”

    But awe, we got lost for a number of days, and then one by one, we go through the exiled inhabitants, doing what I have done, in writing. To find “In Presence of Spirit,” not just in my soul, but for anyone, who is searching, and not finding.

 I have a passage, and I have shared, and few understood.

1. I made twenty copies of my first twenty-three pages of what I call my book.

2. I gave it to twenty people.

3. Seventy-three pages, three people read.

4. 84 pages published for what? For the Lord and credentials, even though few have read it.

5. August 2005, You ask me to pray with you, and I did seventy writings, still, have not found them. I will

6. I actually have a few good ones in 2006. Take care of yourself, Wendy the wife that was and is not anymore. March 4, 2006, Wendy Yvette Greenwell

© 2006-2024 by Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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