You found your calling in Christ,

Enlighten the Light in every soul.

    It can enlighten the light in every soul. It can soften the blows, peace, where there is no peace. Patience, guidance, endurance, time, place, and reason. While you asked, He was giving you. Your prayers have been answered, as well as mine.

    I am reaffirming because I can not walk alone anymore. Without, you are nothing but pain under the curse of destruction. Since there is no other source because it is the Holy Spirit that rules, The Universal Heavens.

    Where? How? Only in identifying with the oneness of Christ Jesus, one can conceive of the whole transfer, from being without hope to the one faith, in Christ, The Heavenly of Heaven.

    Thank You, Jesus, for this time with you, and the husband of my youth. I am ready for whatever is in the depths of my soul, with You in the inner chamber of my soul. There be I with you, Come Holy Father, let’s make History.

Help me present, “In Presence of Spirit,” to the ones that are hurting for you, longing for You.

    Stumbling blocks spiral down to our ultimate destiny, the physical is hard knocks, worldly. Going in and finding the inner chamber where dwells Our Christ Jesus. The light ignites, and a rush of The Holy Spirit comes in and flushes everything out.

    Lord have mercy on the World. World open up and let the Spirit of Christ, indwell you. To see it through the light of the eye is to see clearly. When the fog is lifted, the life is opened and receptive. But man it can stay clogged, and closed for what seems like a darkened eternity. In the Spirit, we are united in harmony. “The Openness is, The Inherent Right of The Spirit of Christ, To Penetrate, One’s Being with The Truth of Existence.” “I could not keep it out.”

To be free from the pain of any kind,

    Healing of sick, highest level. What pain? The pain of being without hope. Although I have no room to talk personally, because of I and mine repeated the same misconceptions, the same problems, repeating themselves and still.

    No matter on the contrary of my book in any realm, it is meant to be, or it would not be so. I am completing, I never thought I was not. I do not care what anyone says.

    Christ has Mercy on My Children, and Grand Children and The World’s Children, and The World’s Population. In Christ, Peace is at Hand.

    God Open Up the Heavens, and Rain Down Your Precious Love, so Mankind can come into themselves, and find that they do not have to look outside of themselves, no more, because You are there, in the light of their being. Igniting the Light of You, in their Ever Loving Hearts.

Open up the words of, “In Presence of Spirit,”

    Give it life, well it already is Alive, and has been, each time we meet, In Spirit. That was fun. Lord in Your Name Jesus Christ, I ask for guidance amid all my present circumstances. Bring my faith alive again. I want to fly out into, “In Presence of Spirit.”

    Oh, Jesus, Your Words are Precious Gems, Pearls of Excellence, they each fit, this fantastic journey, from darkness to the light. Light to the darkness, the anguish of the loss of one’s rightful place in peace, not turmoil.

Guide and direct my steps to completion for, “World Reunion,” through Christ,

    Who is calling me fast? I am reaching, send me out,  so I can go within and complete. Statements of truth.

    Why should you deny yourself of the Presence in Spirit, in yours, entwined, in love, not hate, writings of Spirit to Spirit Communication?

    No interference, accept losing insight. Losing the gifts that are given In Spirit. FAITH, LOVE, HOPE, COURAGE, UNDERSTANDING, KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM, FORTITUDE, PATIENCE, GUIDANCE, ACCEPTANCE.

Holy Ghost of Our Lord, and Savior, who is Jesus Christ.

    The Christ within, is knocking, can you hear? Are you listening? Open up your eyes to the light that is in your heart, waiting to be set free. “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done.” Jesus Christ, guide and direct me to fulfill my heart’s quest in Big Bend, Please Jesus.

    Thank You, Lord, The Mountains are calling, and the Chico’s is waiting and “In Presence of Spirit.” Wendy, come hither to The Mountains at Chico’s. Finish the work God gave you to do. Now is the time. Chico’s is calling, Wendy come home and sing. Come back and complete The Spirit and Wendy’s Creation. Come Hither! Come here! Looking through the inner core of my heart. August 24, 2005, Wendy Yvette Greenwell

I have not gone back, yet. I can not drive it again. Oh well.

© 2005 – 2022 by Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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A Journey from darkness to the light.