Jesus, In Your Name I do pray. “God Bless The Universe.”   

Jesus In Your Name I Do Pray

Bring Peace, Eternal In You, Holy Father. Yours Is The One True Knowledge.  In Heart, Soul Realization, to the opening of, “I am, In Presence of Spirit, in Conversations with the Lord.” Mortal Author: Wendy,  Spiritual Author: Christ Jesus Spirit with Wendy In Writing To The World.

    With You, Through You, In You Below You, Above You, On the sides of You, On top of, Your feet. In Your Arms, I rest, In Your Presence, of this work, that has been bestowed, on me.

No one could stop me, from following, Your Call. It Is On Paper. It Is Published, it is Practiced, It is put out, but now: It Is Going To Be Within, The Grasp, of The Minds Eye.

    There is a way, to help the degeneration, reverse to regeneration, for the whole world, and beyond. For everyone, which has ever been, is now, and ever will be. Your Kingdom has come, and Your will is done, every time our writings, in spirit, will be read.

Peace will be granted to the multitudes.

    The Shedding of the old misconceptions of life. To the illuminating light, of Your Ever Presence. Ask for understanding. Ask for the Lord’s Presence. Even so, The Lord, is in You, as The Lord is in Me, Our writings, In Spirit, Are Communications, Spirit to Spirit, Cooperation, which renders the negative realm of abominations chained, and then discarded. 

To leave behind the past, and fill in the present.

    With, The Presence of Our Dear Lord and Savior. In The Loving, Power, and Glory, To Be Center, All-knowing, All-powerful, Almighty, Sovereign. Our Most Holy of Holy, In The Presence of Our Ever Presence. In love, for humankind, to come in, each inner chamber, and come out without pain, with knowledge, in which You have given us, roundabout.

I know, I had a mission, to complete, In Spirit of Your, Ever Presence.

    I never thought of my writings, as a sacrifice, it was my time to pray, to praise, to thank, to keep a piece of eternity, in every page. I wrote with Spirit, not without.

     I Pray For The Unveiling of Our Union in Spirit.

    To accomplish, what it is, meant to be, accomplished. To Bring Peace, In The Heart, and Soul of Mankind. Wake up! Smell, The Spirit of Truth, in Your Ever Loving Heart. June 7, 2008, Wendy Yvette Greenwell

©2008-2024 by Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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