It is big.

Awesome Writing I can not wait to share

No one but me has read it. Awesome writing, I can not wait to share. Seeing how I have stated that from the very beginning of this, a book from me. Yeah through “Who,” The Holy Spirit shared with me a captivating book,  from without to within.

Thank You, Jesus Christ, for Your Presence in Spirit.

    Thank You for every single word. I am almost ready to print and submit for Publication. I have to complete, for Jesus has prepared for me, to give a piece of The Ever Presence.  I guess the article I am writing about is, “In Presence of Spirit,” the first one.

    The one that has seen me through, thirteen years, since the night, I left. Significant for some strange reason. Well, Jesus Spirit, guided me through to fruition.

I have almost completed my part,

    For this extraordinary Conversations with The Lord. It is mine. Now it is yours, and anyone, who finds, in presence of spirit. It is a gigantic read. It brings the heart of the problem, straight to Jesus Christ. He is that void, we feel in our breastplate.

    The Holy Spirit is ready to ignite the light of healing through every soul. The Holy Spirit, is here, in the here, and now of yesterday’s, tomorrows. Jesus Christ Help Us, Guide Us to Your Eternal Presence, through You, In You, With You, On Your Feet, Roundabout, You Jesus Christ, and Your Presence in Spirit” in, “In Presence of Spirit.”

The funny thing is, I practically put in everything, I write.

    This is exciting, in its only respect. I was given a mission of my very own. No matter what I have endured. Christ Jesus, and life and times, and life goes on the barriers. Pray for The World,  Pray to The Holy Spirit, the blessing bestowed on Mankind, for the gift to me and you, “In Presence of Spirit.”

    It is in The Holy Spirit, as it is in me and you. Spirit put it there at the beginning of time. I found the presence, in the spirit of my ever-presence, and you will find what you are ultimately searching for.

It is Your Presence that is given to them, who ask to be found.

    “I once was lost, but now I am found.” But of course, it is so much more than that. Look how long it took me to close this, The Lord’s and My, “In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.” I am not sure yet what the final name will be. I will be surprised.

    I have had a dialogue with Jesus Christ Holy Spirit, in all my writings. All my prayers, all my supplications, the lamentation, and the ultimate plight, that enveloped me, when Jesus Christ took my pain and gave me words, to write.

To help anyone who needs the only truth, Jesus Christ is His Name.

In The Blood of The Holy Understanding, “In Presence of Spirit,” with You, in eternity. I know this to be true. My part has been bigger than I have given myself credit for. It is all for, The Glory of God because I can do nothing of myself. Through The Spirit of Jesus Christ, lit the light of Spirit, in my broken heart. In Presence of The Holy Spirit, I wrote, “In Presence of Spirit.” December 22,  2008, Wendy Yvette Greenwell

© 2008-2024 by Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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