2,473, so, low, how low can you go, the website.

How high can you go, to infinity, because it is already here. I am blocked. But a peep of light popped in.

Something different then the norm

    Two new Nurses came by to see Richard. The Company felt like their services were not for Richard anymore, I guess. They said, he needs to be in Hospice. She told us about the program. Richard agreed, and I agreed.

    They will not take his medicine away. An RN will come in once a week and a CNA can come in five days a week. On call twenty-four-seven. The supplies he needs. Plus a Chaplin for a visit or two.

    I can have a five day respite. They will pick him up and take him to a facility. Just so, everyone knows Richard and I are not common law married. We are friends, even though we have lived here for over two decades.

    Yeah, these last years have been the hardest. With me not being able to take care of my own health seriously. Two herniated disks. I wont mention all the other stuff.

    Today Hospice is coming in to do the paper work. Lung specialist on the 31 of this month, with the results of my lung situation. Partial results anyway. My forty year old daughter is pregnant. The youngest of all the 18 grandkids, one in heaven, is five, and one great grandson 2.

    Now I can figure out how I am supposed to finish my website, and have it up, and running for a few years after I am gone. I have always been a “I” writer, I this, I that. I heard the other night to change the “I,” to “We.”

    We will overcome. We have faith, we have love, we have understanding, we have knowledge, we have courage. We have wisdom, we have strength, we have power.

    We are in spirit, at all times. We are Spiritual Beings. We are finding our way back to the basics of life, love, liberty and justice for all. For all time. January 2023 Wendy

© 2023 Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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