I need you. I want you.

I have to have, Your Spirit, guide me out of darkness, into the light, all over again. Forgive me, my trespasses, my sins, and iniquities. Thank You, for giving me breath, in the writings of, “In Presence of Spirit,” the whole of it. The completion in this decade, this time around.
Thank You for, Your Presence, in every writing, prayer, praise, verse, song, and poem. Thank You, for every page of our book, the originals, the edited, the almost complete manuscript, I have only read.
Thank You for letting me write, “In Presence of Spirit,” to its entirety.
Even though You and I, are the only ones, who know what I captured in writing, with and through You Jesus. It was meant to be like this, for yours and my purpose. For your goal is my purpose, and my mission is your purpose, now and forevermore.
I Love You, Jesus Christ. I believe everything. The Resurrection to Life Eternal In You, Through You, Round About The Glory of You. Lord, I miss you. I need you. I need to hear your guiding voice. I need you to grab me out of darkness, into the light of Your Ever Presence.
Open my heart again.
So I can complete it. What you have given me. To share, with anyone who needs the only friend, In Spirit of Your Ever Loving Presence. I loved Jesus, I did, and I do. Help me finish the task at hand. Please, Lord, I need help with this glaucoma. I suffered from many attacks thinking they were’ eye migraines. We need a Glaucoma Foundation in every State. We need a multitude of things, but first and foremost. I need you back, Jesus.
Show me what You want me to do? Guide me to it.
Hold fast; my love poured out to You. In this, “Our Writings, In Spirit of Your Ever Loving Presence.” Omnipotent and Omnipresent, In Exquisite Conversations with the Lord. Thank You, Jesus, for the communication. I had a blast knowing, You are in me, and I in You, and You are the Author, through me, from You. I Love You, Jesus. I Love You, With One Heart to Heal.
Thank You for letting me write.
I could not find any words. It weighed heavy on my total being. Jesus, in your name Lord. Bring Your Love down. To a oneness of truth, which is only through You Jesus Christ.
You gave me You, in, “In Presence of Spirit,” and it is obvious after all is said, written and complete, in this the extended book, the whole of the entire writings of, “In Presence of Spirit.” That you, my love, and my life is, the Author through me, with me, beside me, round about me, in every way. Forgive me for forgetting.
Sometimes life is too hard, and the cycles keep repeating themselves
worse in every generation. Help us stop the sequence of the past, and bring the future to today, in time, place and significant reason.
These writings are my future because they are my past. So I wish to start living today, what I maintain, will help, The World, With One Heart To Heal. December 12, 2008, Wendy Yvette Greenwell
©2008-2024 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell