It is me in desperation.

Night Photo in the rain
I have lost the spirit, and I wish to have You back.

I have lost the spirit, and I wish to have You back. I can not live another day without Your Presence. I Miss You; I Love You, I Need You, I am lost without you. What is my reason for being?

I have lost my children.

Lord, I can not be a part of their life. Oh, Jesus bring Your comfort down and rest with me for eternity. I know I took the wide and wrong path and I failed I lost Your Voice, Your guiding Presence.

    The writings I wrote in Spirit are omnipresent, but I lost the gift of writing because of my stupidity. Lord guide and direct our children him and her.

    To Your children,  since the conception of Humanity through You Jesus Christ life is lived through the death of the old and a new life in and through You. I miss my children so much. I pray to be part of their lives.

    Thank you for the job. I should not complain it is just so long but that is alright. I want to put “In Presence of Spirit” together. I have three days off after tomorrow’s 10-hour shift, I will work on the writings when I am off.

    Oh Lord, where are you? Are You mad at me? I can not feel You? I can not hear You, I can not do anything without You. Help from henceforth and forever. Your beloved Wendy In Jesus Christ I fall at Your feet with a heavenly kiss My Lord, My Love, My only reason for being alive still. In God, I Trust with all the Angels Congregated together to form The Union of Saints, Pure Knowledge. I love you August 27, 1997, Wendy Yvette Greenwell

© 1997-2023 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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