OCTOBER 9, 2018

October 9, 2018,

Sunset in the backyard
I vow to myself to remove all the codes in record time

I am not Publishing anything with analytics in it. The site has been robbed of its rightful views! Godaddy.com Hosting is taking care of the sites Personal Statistics, since day one. 

I have only done 46 removals = 92.

    But I vow to myself to remove the 497 plus the pages that have snippets of my Personal Property in Google Analytics. The Countries, the People who are on my Account, have nothing to view anymore and or make the profit. All because I did this Solo, with no outsiders physical help, you understand. Sure possible I could set up all that entails making a nest egg, so I can help my children with going on 18 grandchildren one in heaven.

    Get the lift chair and shower chair, for Richard, for that matter take that bathtub out and get a handicapped accessible shower with a rolling shower chair for him because it is dangerous to do it the way we have to do it. His back does not bend it is fused, his hands and fingers are crippled, his arms do not open, his right knee is twisted to the inside, and his feet and legs are crooked, atrophy but he is still walking.

    He is 75 years old, born with Cerebral Palsy. I have been his right-hand friend for 17 years, companion, girl Friday, not the provider, we are friends, even though everything he can not do for himself I do it for him, He can still walk and do his business on his own. Thank you, Lord. Oh, my brother has bought him a brand new wheelchair, it will arrive tomorrow, home delivery. Thank you, Bobby.

I am appalled at the fact that I needed new Statistics,

A system that I did not know how to use, and did not have the money to pay for the advertising and such as it is. I cannot sit here and have a fit for letting others steal my views and revenue, but I guarantee you it has happened. I have not activated certain facets of my homegrown business that attracts a variable income for me to continue productively. 

    I am anticipating being more productive in this quest I have been on for quite some time. I am letting go of the snippet analytics code to my property. As I edit, I will be deleting every last code on the original and the page, while I am using Grammarly.

I am starting at the beginning again.

    At least I found the discrepancy and instead of deleting the Analytics first, I am taking it off my site as I edit for the last time. I will be working on it until I finish.

    I have been editing, and reading all three, the Original, the Page and the Media, of each correspondence, I have Published. I have a notebook, and I am writing the name, date, and year, for each month I Published, so there is an order in my endeavor. I am inputting the https:// and all the relevant things I should have done in 2016 when they messed my site up.

Now is different,

because now is the time that I need a lot of time “In Presence of Spirit,” as I share to myself, I am sharing with you, who just might need a little time with me, “In Presence of Spirit.”


hit 202,315 views 2018. I have been Publishing my writings since October 2011. It was on my to-do list for 15 years. Just typing away my conversations with the Lord, and sharing them with whoever reads them. Pretty amazing, even though I am silent in all this, I still need to share. I have to until I cannot anymore.

    October is my favorite month, the first cold front. Now I will be able to take Richard for a walk, me to for that matter. So to hit this off, all year is “In Presence of Spirit” 30th Anniversary Year, I wrote it in April 1988.

    Eleven thousand forty views to hit 2,000,000 since I began Publishing. I am not bragging; I have shared my conversations with the Lord. The profit I have is, I fulfilled my part in sharing a treasure chest of my special times in “You are, and I am In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.” Thank you for reading inpresenceofspirit.com. Wendy Yvette Greenwell October 9, 2018 Now, I am put the code back on. 3/29/2022

©2018-2023 inpresenceofspirit.com by Wendy Yvette Greenwell


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A Journey from darkness to the light.