I want to see the light again.

Interesting Sunset
There is a time and a place for the manifestation of the truth

I need help from everyone here and there and everywhere. Automatic Writing? There is a time and a place for the expression of the fact, to be revealed. Awesome.

The time is now

    For you to go further than you have ever gone before. Sale your books on your website. Give your love to the World more abundantly. Open up the channels of communication again. Bring back the love and courage you have had through your journey in the wilderness. Keep sharing it to the World. I wrote that with my eyes closed.

    My twin sister is fishing, and I am on a beautiful Patio, with the large pier my Dad half owns at The Arroyo Colorado. It will be 21 years since I ended up here on December 29, 1995. I have Published so much that I had to take a break. Besides, I have minimal internet left on my Hotspot.

    I Paid $301.00, for my Hosting with Godaddy.com, A more expensive SSL because I have two sites running, I could put five, and I am at stage 3 Resources and Backups. I have five locations three of which are directed to inpresenceofspirit.com.

I have manifested my writing, into Publication,

    To offer you a gift of love, and compassion. I think my writings are beautiful. They are my sanity, still after all these years.

    The wind is blowing. It is an awesome night. We have been here my Twin and I, since Friday at 10:30 pm, Oh that we could stay another day. We left Tuesday afternoon, the 29th.

I Claim I have been, In Presence of Spirit,

and I am In Presence of Spirit. Seriously, I deserved to take a break. Oh Lord, I need help financially. I have done what I contracted to do for this elaborate reason. I have seen it through three years on my Website. I am calling out to the Universe the One Source of all of Creation, the oneness that is within every one of us, Cheers! To You My Friends. I have a gift of time in eternity.

    It is an Eternal Gift of Love, and Compassion. A time of praise, and words of encouragement, a time in the I am presence that is each one of us to ignite the passion of our souls. Tim’s birthday is tomorrow.

Can we!

    Stay here a for a few more days? Please, Angels let that happen. Oh Lord, help us, guide us, to Your eternal calling through your great gates of eternal life. Help me to financial independence even though I am disabled.

    This is the first time I have stayed with my sister while she is fishing. There is a lot of trout, and the shrimp are popping. She is going to be sore tomorrow. She has four more shrimp. I am not in a hurry to go anywhere.  Here it is beautiful.

Wendy, internal Wendy,

Light the way to the truth within your mind, and your being. Activate the ray of hope in your head. Elevate your horizon. Energize yourself with the light of the one true source of existence. One God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are United in the Kingdom of heaven within our beings. We will see the manifestation of all documented material by me, on my websites.

    Raise me out of my hole, and into the vibration of oneness frequency through the light, and love of our one, and only Source of the Eternal God Head, United in One. One Love, One light, One Fulfillment, One Cause, One Hope, One Faith, One Guide, One-self-United in harmony, and understanding.

    We are coming into view. Our light is shining brightly even if we have not seen it or felt it. I am here where I wrote from January 1996 to February 10, 1996, writings. I have not Published all of them yet. I was burnt out. I have received my need to leave the Valley, and be in San Antonio, third trip down here, and the third trip back up. I do not want to stay here. I am sick of the flatland’s, and I love the hills even though the trees will be bare soon, I would rather be there.

    What shall we do? What shall I do? What are you going to do internal child of God? Throw out the old paradigm, and rain in the new. I am opened to new opportunities of Divine Will, Divine Guidance, Divine Love, which has been entwined in the Ever-Presence of the Eternal Majesty.

    Entwine yourself Wendy with the Ever Presence of the Divine Soul that is One with, The Universe. Open up to the truth within. “Ignite the light of You in my Soul. Bring Glad Tidings of Peace World Without End. Give Us this Day, and tomorrow will take care of itself. November 30, 2016, Wendy Yvette Greenwell written November 28, 2016, January 3, 2019, Oh, Wow! I just read it. Happy New Year! Wendy

© 2016-2024 inpresenceofspirit.com by Wendy Yvette Greenwell


Love, Heart, Soul, Within,

This Photo was taken in San Antonio
Touch The Presence of Spirit, In Spirit,

“Touch The Presence of Spirit,” In Spirit, Truth, Life Fulfillment. Prosperity, Gratitude, Patience, Encouragement, Fortitude, Faith, Happiness, Regeneration, Strength, Compassion, Understanding, United, Unity, Peace, Heavenly God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit. Sovereign, Commander and Father of All Mankind. “To whom the bell tolls it toll’s for thee, Unknown Author.” “As Up Above, So Below,” “I Am that I Am.”  “I Am Presence.” Love with one heart to heal. Wendy November 8, 2016

Automatic Writing?

    I want to see the light. I want to rise above the physical plain of pain, into a higher awareness. “As above, so below.” I want to ask questions, but I do not know what to ask. I need help! I have got nothing in my brain. I want to feel alive in Spirit.

    I want to write again. I want to be productive. I want to heal our physical bodies. I want to be alive in Spirit. I want to love again. I want to feel again. I want to be “In Presence of Spirit.” I want to accomplish, what has been set apart for my spiritual awakening, being shared with the World. Over 1,000,000 views since, Dec. 13, 2013.

I want, The Universe to open up,

And let the light of love, patience, wisdom, courage, fortitude, compassion, knowledge, Awaken. The Kingdom of Heaven is within my being. I acknowledge my existence as an Author of The Spirit of Our Lord and Savior; The Source is God.

    I hit rock bottom, and The Spirit of the Lord picked me up, and shared His time with me, “In Presence of Spirit.” You are the reason, I came out of darkness, and You gave me light, to see past the barriers of my life’s circumstance. You gave me time, lots of time, to reflect on, in the unraveling of my real heart’s desire.

I am grateful for You and Your Presence in Spirit,

with me in You, and You in me. Entwined in The Ever Presence of Your Majesty. I Love You God The Father of All Mankind. Thank You for Your Love throughout all generations.

I need help!

    From my Guardian Angels, I need help from all The Archangels. Archangel Michael I Wendy invoke Your violet-blue flame. I would like for you to be with me in the front of me, behind me, on my right side, on my left side, beneath me and above me. Help me protect my Children and my children’s, children and their significant others.

Protect my Family,

My Three Adult Children, my 15 grandchildren, one on the way, and one in heaven, my twin, my brother in law, my sister, my brother and my Daddy and his Wife, and everyone else’s Families. Help heal all the discomforts.

    Oh Lord, have Your Love, overflowing. Help me Lord find myself again. Open my mind to significant questions. Fill my mind with Your Presence in Spirit. Guide me to the right choices and decisions. I am tired, Lord. I am worried about Richard. Thank You for getting us out of Home. I love San Antonio.

    Please, Angels, Protect us on our goings and coming. Thank You, I love all of you. Wendy Yvette Greenwell November 9, 2016, Wendy Greenwell November 19, 2016, A note: It is word for word. I can not change anything I do this because nineteen years have flown by.

    My Hosting came up again, $301 with a 90 discount, but it hurt so bad. We are all gathering for Thanksgiving at the home abode for 15 years. We moved in on Thanksgiving 2001. My oldest grandson is 15, he was a month old when we moved in.

    It is as if there was a child born every year, but they all liked being pregnant at the same time, in three’s, Hello. God Bless The World, The Universe, The Multi-universe, The Inter-dimensional Universes everyone on it, every one of it, everyone in it. Thanks for reading my writings. Wendy

© 2016-2024 inpresenceofspirit.com by Wendy Yvette Greenwell