I made a video in celebration of the 24th Anniversary of My Divorce.
I am going to see if my site will accept it. Here I go. Cheers to my Divorce. Wendy Yvette Greenwell 02/20/2020
© 2020-2022 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell
Assorted Photo’s
Rain Drops? Moments from a video, I made.
Angel Wings hard to catch
Taffy, She passed away at 10 years old.
Selfie of the Sun, I put the camera over my head backwards and take a selfie of the Sun between my trees.
Peanut, she loves everyone accept my ex-husband, to funny.
Albino Cockatiel Clutch, two sets of eggs, not one hatched. I am glad.
02/02/2020 Just because
I share it with you. One of my favorites, it has a braided tree trunk, and it is flowering beautifully.
Instinct, Sweetie taking care of business.
Cute Picture, I have to keep them in their cage, they broke out, and now I have to lock the doors.
Exercising, I love watching them.
First Hyacinths, What a beautiful plant.
They have red eyes, Albino Cockatiels, beautiful Birds
First and only time I held her. I was so happy to hold her
I gave them a shower outside and the dye from the toys stained them.
Posing for the camera
I gave them a shower and the wood with dye made them have pink on them.
Taking a bath. The wings upside down look like Angel Wings.
New addition to the garden. Fossils and shells. My lemon tree.
They are so much fun to watch. Thought I would make a gallery for you.
I started working in the garden again. The Albino Cockatiels my Son gave me have been very busy. The female has an egg every 48 hours up to 8 eggs. She had eight but the first one did not make it. She is a good Mother.
They are going to start hatching. Wondering if they are going to be Albino Cockatiels or colored with orange cheeks. Only time will tell. Wendy 2/3/2020 Two sets of eggs, not one hatched. That is a okay though. Wendy
© 2020-2023 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell
A Journey from darkness to the light.