I call on my Guide, My Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ.

special moon picture to me
I Call On Your Holy Spirit

I Call on, Your Passion. I Call on, Your Knowledge. I Call on, Your Wisdom. I Call on, Your Holy Spirit, to come, and Unite The Holy Congregation of You, and Your Omnipresence, in the here, and now of yesterday’s, tomorrow.

I call on our extensions of, “In Presence of Spirit,”

having propagated, that which you have given me, In The Presence of Your Holy Spirit.

    Dear Jesus Christ, open up my heart, mind, and soul, To Your World Awakening. Open up the Heavens, and Rain Down Your Heavenly Manna.

Lord come, come unto me your witness of,

Your Glorious Restoration, from darkness to the light, in Your Presence, there go I.

    The Testimony I have, from The Holy Spirit of You, is, “You are, and I am In Presence of Spirit In Conversations with the Lord.” All the writings together.

It is to me, A Classic Manuscript

of Loving Kindness from You, Jesus, for without Your Presence of Spirit. I would not have written anything of interest.

Thank You, in the eternal combustion chamber, of my soul’s desire.

    To Unite with You, In The Presence of Your Spirit. To Capture Peace on Earth, Good Will towards, Mankind. Thank You for the years, I have spent with You working on “Our Manuscript.” Even though, no one has read it. It has been heard by, You and Your Ever Presence, given to me for, Your Purpose.

Thank You, for Your Salvation of heart, mind, and soul.

    Thank You for Your Redemption, from You for all Mankind, to find You, In The Kingdom of Heaven, Within. Thank You, for Your Lamentations.                     

    Thank You,  Jesus Christ for Your Sanctification. Thank You for, Your Justification. Thank You for, Your Omnipresence, yesterday, today, and forever. Thank You for, “In Presence of Spirit,” from day one. January 8, 2010, Wendy Yvette Greenwell

©2010-2024 by Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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