What a day.

What A Day What A Week for The World

What a week, for The Whole World. The Earthquakes in divers places. All the catastrophes, all over the World, The Planet is in need of Restoration. Everyone, Oh Lord, there is so much hatred. These nuclear plant containment centers. That is the day to day living in the Twenty-First Century.

There are casualties in The World

and all our homes, every single day, everyone who is being hit by “Mother Nature,” and Man’s ill effects. Anyone and everyone has that eternal effect.

    We need to find it this generation. It is not the end of time. It is the beginning of eternity, in the here and now of yesterday’s, tomorrows.

Where are We?

    Relying on God or Man? Lay hands on The Whole World, the whole molecule compound of every piece of Earth that is on this monster planet. And bring healing from the core to the surface, that is what, we each need to do.

    Bring the power within the core, and layer by layer, bring it up, and out through, The Love and Divinity of Jesus Christ Our Savior. In One with The Holy Spirit of The Universe.

In The Unity of His Majesty,

From God through Jesus Christ To Us, His Children. In One with The Holy Trinity, One in The Father, One in The Son, and One in The Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ Our Lord, Our Redeemer, Our Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and The End. The One True Love of Existence. One that calls to us to reconsider our options.

The spark is ignited

and The Holy Spirit is doing the renovations, the reconstruction, the ultimate restoration of our voyage from without knowing The Holy Spirit, personally, to knowing within and beyond a shadow of a doubt.

    There are inward spiritual forces, taking out the sequence of the negative cycle of events, and replacing it with the positive, that can bring about massive change, for the Whole World.

In One with The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit

from God through Jesus Christ for Mankind as a Whole. One World, One Home, One Cause. Jesus Christ, is the Resurrection and The Life, only through The Lord, is Life Eternal Forever in Peace, not misery. March 19, 2011, Wendy Yvette Greenwell

© 2011-2024 inpresenceofspirit.com by Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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A Journey from darkness to the light.