Oh Lord, God Almighty,

We need a multitude of blessing for humanity, to open up, and let the Son of God in. Holy Father, I pray to you, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. To activate World Reunion. Free the World, from their bondage.
I do not know what to do. I am worried, and time has skipped by, and I feel drained of energy. Rain down energy on humanity, and myself. Bring the light of love back into the hearts, and souls of mankind.
Bring down your presence in spirit, to all humanity. Release the fear, the worries, and anxieties, and give it to the Lord. Bring forth your Almighty Power, and rain down heavenly manna of blessings on all humanity. Bring love to a oneness of truth. Open your hearts to understanding.
Writings from the heart. Each one of my entries into, “In Presence of Spirit,” “In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord,” to, “Reflections of In Presence of Spirit,” and briefly, “I am In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.” To: “You are, and I am In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.” All gathered together on inpresenceofspirit.com
What are you going to do Wendy, with your conversations with the Lord? Higher self, the dimensional self, that I cannot see yet. Open my perception again, widen the narrow gate for another opening of in presence of spirit, in me.
Guide me into the depths of the understanding that I captured in writing. Bring forth the help from One Source God Almighty, in Presence, in Spirit, in the I am, that I am, and forward my faith to the now of this present moment.
Bring love, guidance, patience, courage, knowledge, understanding, to a oneness in truth for humanity to heal itself through the Love of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God Bless Our Space in time, now and forever.
© no-date-2023 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell