Just goes to show you,

One of my Moon Photo's
Self Knows The Oneness

A lie can not, last forever.  Deceit, plays havoc, in people’s lives. But one’s shame closes the soul of understanding and places decision,

in someone else’s hands, which causes utter, destruction.     

    Where there is no heart, there is no peace. Where there is no peace, there is contempt. Because, one always ends up, being the doormat, of other’s power and, control, and when taken away, one becomes self again, Self-knows, the oneness, that is with and through, the regeneration of an ancient past of the soul and, its rightful place in peace, without, all outside obstruction. November 29, 1996, Wendy Yvette Greenwell  

© 1996-2024 by Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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