I called my friend Richard,

Sunset at Arroyo City
A summary, of the back cover of the book.

and asked him if he could write a summary for the back cover of the book, he said, ” he would write something.” This is what he wrote.

    This is a testimony of the Author’s search for peace and contentment, amid all the troubles, trials, and tribulations in her life.

    In searching for the truth and answers for life in turmoil, she found peace, forgiveness, and the love that only a true relationship with Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, can provide.

    This is a “Spirit-inspired revelation,” in the Author’s life and her journey through the darkness of her soul, to the light that is shining through, “In Presence of Spirit,” to you with love.

    These inspired writings truly are a song of praise, a verse in the poem, and a prayer of thanksgiving to Our Heavenly Father and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and will help anyone who is searching for the answers to life’s difficulties 2000 Thank you, Richard, for this beautiful summary of all of the Book of “In Presence of Spirit.” Wendy Greenwell, Wendy Yvette Greenwell

©2000-2024 inpresenceofspirit.com by Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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