I offer affirmative, positive words.
Reinforcing, the connection, with the positive elements, of the Universe. Actuating, The Acknowledgement of, “The Internal Purification.” Negative to Positive. Darkness to Light, on a day, week, month, year, basis, “time never-ending but standing still.” I want my mind to open up, like once it was. When I was absorbing positive energies, which made me alive, In Spirit.
In The Presence of Spirit, that He, Jesus Christ, left us,
To Everyone, I Share, The Peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
The writings, I did not write by myself, He is with me, in Spirit. The Boldness, The Presence of Jesus Christ Spirit, in me, with me, through me, beside me, round about me, in all His Glory. Given the fact, that everyone’s, life has meaning. Everyone of Us, are God’s Children, and We are United in Spirit, In The Presence of Jesus Christ Holy Spirit.
To Everyone, I offer the Kingdom of God. To Everyone, I share, “In Presence of Spirit,”
To be read, and hopefully sooner than later, understood. I understand it, and Richard is, My Witness.
To Everyone, I Offer, Healing of Heart, Mind, and Soul. To Everyone, I Offer, My Conversations With The Lord, Held In My Heart For Everyone, not just myself. “Thank You,” my reply, “You are Welcome.”
To Everyone, I offer the pathway. The Holy Spirit, gave me to write, for me, and you at the same time. Even though you did not know it, I always did.
From the beginning of time. It was mine, to write. It was always meant to be. Or else it would not be, (repeat) I know, I do not have to convince you, sometimes I am, convincing myself. I am at the end, and so are you.
What do we do now?
Like my oldest daughter has been telling me, to pray more, and that is what I am doing. I Am Opening Up, To The Positive, Fulfillment of My Life’s Quest,
To The World Awakening, of The Kingdom of Heaven Within Our Eternal House. The Home of Our Father, Son, Holy Spirit, In Jesus Christ, I Am, Free To Be Me, In Writing.
Although it took, from April 1988 to December 29, 1995, for me to leave, and never to return to yesterday, my children, my home, my husband, my belongings, my trees, and my plants, and my car. I did not know what I was doing, and I just did it. (I got my children back in 1998, and I have been with them ever since.)
Today fourteen years later,
I am going to share the most precious keepsake, that was given to me, from the Holy Spirit of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He gave these conversations to me because I have never been satisfied with Worldly.
It is, “In Presence of Spirit,” that I long to be, and when this, my manuscript, only handled and read by me, myself, and I is read by you. It will be a great day for me, and The World because, We Are All Family, In The Spiritual Realm of Our Existence. Love, With One Heart to Heal. Wendy November 10, 2010, Wendy Yvette Greenwell
©2010 – 2024 inpresenceofspirit.com by Wendy Yvette Greenwell