Oh Well! Get through it! Pray for a miracle. Oh Lord, We are up for one.

Oh Jesus So Many Millions Are Suffering

The big house, 400 Peking, I lived there for so many years. 

I barely put anything in, “In Presence of Spirit,” the book. 

    “In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord,” and “Reflections of In Presence of Spirit,” by the Spirit of Christ in Me. Grand finale. Surround the outside of this house with Your Angels. The enemy is all around. Infecting our Loved Ones, invading the real home of everyone.

    Who do you go to? Where do you belong? How far, are you going to go. As far as I can go! There is no other choice! I made it, a long time ago, and I have to certify, to complete. Bring peace to these households, that live in this house. Take the demons out of this house. In Jesus Christ living blood. Cover this house with the Love of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Bring Your Angels and help me.

    Cleanse our home with The Love of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Bring sure guidance, inside, themselves to come out of the grave of the outer and into the peace of the inner.

    Cloth Your Ever Presence on every paragraph, You gave me to write. Each writing, punctuation aside, it is the words, the phrases, the quotes, from Who? Me, No the Holy Spirit through my ever-presence, can only be done in the inner chamber, where I have been communicated to, In Spirit, of the Love, throughout all generations. “For this generation!”

    Here I am, call me, The Christ within, to do that which has been given to do. To put an end, to the pain, and Peace To Our Souls. “

The Kingdom Has Come. His Will is Done. On Earth, as it is in Heaven.” Lord, I can not go to Israel and walk where You walked. Sleep where You slept. Eat where You ate. Pray where You Prayed. Performed, Your Special Love, All of it. 

Oh, Jesus, so many millions, upon millions, of People are suffering.

    Bless them, Jesus, with Your gentle touch. Guide them out of the midst of the fire. Bring them out of the depths, of the negative of being, and bring truth to the light of day. Your hands, to the hearts and souls, of Mankind.

    “Bring gladness to hearts for sure there is an end to the pain.” Lord recognizes the completion of, Your gift to me. A sinner from darkness to the light. In the light of Your Love, for all to come home, To Father God, Father Son, Father of the Most Holy Spirit. In the name of Jesus Christ: Rain down Your Blessings on Mankind. To find all of their, Christ Jesus again, not hidden, in secret, but given, To The World.

For Your Purpose, Jesus Christ,

is my purpose, and when two are United, You and Me, that is all, We needed. This was one human person’s job because, it was stated, so precise so long ago, it could not have been, any different.

“but what oneself is to You Dear Lord. What You, have given me. My love and my life to fulfill the plan, You have made for every person on this, Planet We call Earth.” “In Presence of Spirit “

       I did not want to lose, You, Lord. I did not forget, You. “You are, In Presence of Spirit:” from lack to plenty. From empty to filled. From No Forgiveness To Forgiveness. From lost to found. From plump to just right. From anxious to calm. From bound to freedom. From unsuccessful, to succeed. From not understanding to understanding. 

    From impatience to patients. From without, to within. From obscure to light. From closed to opened. From the back to front. From hate, to love. From lies to truth. From sick, to healthy. From giving, to receive. From darkness to light. From the end to the beginning. From hell to heaven. From negative, to positive. From left, to right. From wrong to the right. From Spirit to Spirit.

In the light, I see Love!

    Forgiveness! Faithfulness! Gratitude! Kindness! Truth! Honesty! Patience! Understanding! Knowledge! Creativity! Words! Three books of meaning for me, and The World, that does not even know about it. Successful! Well! Blessed! Sure! Efficient! Meaningful! Custom Written! Courage! Enlightenment! Treasure!

    The Holy Spirit, guided me through the dark tunnel, of no forgiveness. To the forgiving love of, Our Lord Jesus Christ. For the reasons that be. His way, to the healing fountains, of the internal purification. Through Christ Jesus, Life is granted, the veil is lifted, and you are being healed, minute by minute, of the plague of being, unsure. Christ Jesus, is The Only Sure Way, for Peace to Flow, through the Multitudes.

    I Claim, Prosperity of heart, soul, and mind. To the Peoples of The Congregation of Our Lord Jesus Christ. I Claim, Forgiveness for the afflicted, for all the lost People, in The World. I Claim, The Spiritual Awakening has been in progress and continues until, all utterances of evil, cannot stop, the internal purification, in The World.

    In The Faith, that belongs, To Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Blessed with His Most Holy of Spirit. The Holy Spirit, He left to Us, of Him, To Comfort Us, in Our Journey, Home to, Father God, Father Son, Father of The Most Holy Spirit In Christ, I Am. December 20, 2007, Wendy Yvette Greenwell

 ©2007-2022 by Wendy Yvette Greenwell from beginning to end 

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