The bride has made herself ready,

Backyard Sunset
The Glory of God is upon Mankind, right here in the here and now of yesterday’s tomorrow’s

Your call for the Glory of God is upon Mankind, right here in the here and now. The seeds have been sown for a welcomed today, and an awesomely blessed tomorrow, for all concerned. Amen For two months, since February 16, 1997, I did not work on, “In Presence of Spirit.” I was working C N A daily and sleeping. I needed those hours, making up for a messed up cycle.

Although I struggled in the decision of the future of, “In Presence of Spirit.”

I left it with a friend to read, (My Guardian Angel) It took me two months to get back to the Valley.

I missed the writings so.

I had all originals all the while, but I had handwritten seventy-three edited pages with more writings yet unedited.

Once I settled back down a little from all the hours, I worked

to get to my children and the trip itself, I sat down and re-read the writings, and now someone in Truth needs to read and advise me. I need the right door to open, in Your time Lord. I hope it is soon. Love with one heart to heal. April 18, 1997

God’s Presence is established,

In the designated time from, You Lord. Completed now for the work in progress. I have been working on the writings. I have re-written and edited fourteen more writings, which brings the total to eighty-seven pages. Well, let me stay steadfast in the completion of, “In Presence of Spirit.” “Your will be done.” April 19, 1997

Do not stop writing,

because it is a testimony of Jesus Christ. You are bringing me where You want me to be Lord. I follow You and do what I have to in my mortality, which is not perfect. But I am gaining strength anyway. Yes, I am no negative. I will have my children back. I need to put the writings together. April 28, 1997, Wendy Yvette Greenwell

© 1997-2024 by Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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