Flash Backs they are not as severe as they once were
The unveiling of the past was sheathed as shedding skin. The writings are through The Holy Spirit. I am going to put the entire pages together and see what The Lord wants me to do after that. In Jesus, Christ Name, Guide me Holy Spirit to do the right thing always. Show me through Jesus Christ my personal Savior. “Thy Will Be Done.” Thank You, Lord Jesus. July 29, 1996
In the last seven months,
I have absorbed the Bible in all its glorious words. I have written with a power greater than possibly imaginable. I declare the truth of Jesus Christ Our Savior. I have felt Jesus Christ and I know the truth of His Eternal Presence. In the writings, I know The Spirit of Christ was working through me. The visions of The Highest are manifested in my writing. If I may share them I will share them with you. Thanks be to God The Father, God The Son, God The Holy Spirit, “In Jesus Christ We Trust.” July 9, 1996
Flash Backs
They are not as severe as they once were. All were tightly weighing on my mind, my husband with another among the whirlwind of his alcoholism for eight and a half straight years. The last horrible months before my departure.
Every breath was a struggle until the pain was lifted right out of me. Then the next months proved to be the stepping stones to understanding, more awareness, a way to find a purpose, the reasons for my existence. Was not stupid because it is God’s life. I know what God means when he says, “go into thy inner chamber, there ye shall knock and the door shall be opened.” July 1996
Live-in Position
The elderly man I care for poked me with his big finger on my gallbladder scar and it hurt, I showed him where he poked me, my nine-inch scar across my gut. I had to tell him do not poke me and do not punch me and your sarcastic jokes with intent to hurt need to stop.
The tests I have been through, I have passed every one of them. They do not have much to complain about me. I am sick of doing laundry. I am forming a regular twenty-three days plus more to come. Thank you for encouraging me to go from a pauper to making the first step into a paycheck, it was an excellent experience. God tested me. I passed by the hair of my chin. When its God’s time.
I have been so deep in the inner chamber,
Studying in the Holy Spirit, through the Holy Spirit, round about the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, has been shown to me personally, and I am in Spirit been taught every day, it is so cool, I wish I could share, but I am still a baby in Christ.
All my questions have been answered in the Bible, in my supplications, in my mourning for six months. In my giving, and my understanding. My observations round about, everyone is in hell around me, screaming, the anger, no positive, the lifeless energy oppressed with wants, super demands, abuse, neglect, each not taking care of their oneness with Christ. Judging has shown itself, and they are blind to it. July 25, 1996
I hope I have not crossed your boundaries by making plans. Thank you for all your blessings of knowledge, understanding, and all my trials, and tribulations. They have been worth it to come to you totally, with Your stretched out arms that caught me through pure inexhaustible love.
Lord, preserve the peace you have bestowed upon me. If it is your will for me to write let me continue. Lord grant that I may stay steadfast in Your Grace, in the insight You have bestowed on me. Your compassion through Your Spirit is felt. No one seems to see.
Thank You for the job, the room with your treasures in it. Thank You In Jesus Christ I trust, I have felt You, Awesome. Peace to You God, and Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and all Your People. I Love You. July 29, 1996, Wendy Yvette Greenwell
I know all my diligent study in The Bible is helping my future
the knowledge of the Word of God. It is utmost in my life now. It seems when I let go of my devotionals, and I take control. I deeply recede into this fountain of slushy muck. I start reading and writing a lot of vocabulary in the Bible.
When I think of my children, I remember how everything was broken, and I could not put any pieces together. So then I place them in the Trust of God and the ex’s quest to be other than a deadbeat Dad, as he so always said, last three or four years.
All the things
He was not to the children he has to be now, and sometimes I think he is not going to be able to do it. He realizes all the responsibility for it not just financial. I hope he is strong enough. See I do not wish harm on him, he is not that strong. Children needed their Dad they never had. I hope he is that man and dad he wanted to be. You know there is a negative side to this, I hope he is being all he can be, Importantly not letting our children down. Cause Mom doesn’t have anything. I am handling it.
It is quite late. I am glad I got to talk to you. Thank you for your insight, and inspirations, you have blessed me with a real understanding that I have needed desperately for years. My growth is not limited, and is exceeding in the right progression, for what I have been through.
I wish not to leave my children out of this, but I can only do something for me for their benefit tomorrow. I am building a tower of precious jewels positive thinking, etc. All resources are being tapped in. I believe the spirit is working preparing the way for me to help benefit others, use my knowledge, etc. to help people in my condition, “World Condition.”
I have faith in all God’s Words Past, Present, Future; we
can only get there one day at a time. A lot of my writing is different don’t you think. May the grace of God adorn you in all your works through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Bless You Complete. June 3, 1996
If I had it all to do over again. I would have listened to my Lord because I heard him. I was part of a circle that needed to come to an end of the cycle. Thank you, Lord. June 7, 1996
God is the foundation that gives us life. Man is dominant only in his stupidity; alcohol destroys Families. “Write God’s words to begin to end, what exactly He and only he says, through the from The Holy Spirit through Christ Our Lord Amen.” “but know got caught up in the moment,” “make them look.” June 8, 1996
Reading and writing, knowledge is limitless. The Bible is past present, future. Omnipresent since it’s writings. The heart searches for it’s home all it’s born day. The heart is the home of the highest. The soul, choose to live, and you will have everlasting life. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord.
Six mountains to climb the seventh you rest with and through Jesus Christ. While the sheathing of the old ways, memories with pain, the sins you have in yourself, and those that have affected your life adversely. The new seeds are planted through the regeneration of The Truth, we all have, inside us. June 10, 1996
I have ups and downs. I know we all do. I know all my diligent study in The Bible is helping my future. The regeneration is regenerating itself through the energy that is Jesus Christ Holy Spirit. I can see it around me. June 13, 1996
Solitary Have not been sleeping, restless, lonely probably, no dwelling of my own, no escape, no fantasy, dealing with reality. I am using my time wisely not bee idle in mind. I needed a lot of knowledge to get through this spiritual awakening solitary. Me and the Spirit of Our Heavenly Father.
I have not wasted this last six months at all.
Painful, but I have an inside understanding of the degeneration that has haunted man in our sphere of time and reason. It took giving up sole possessor of everything, even my stuff, left with nothing. Two months later I got my maiden name back.
I fought through hell to come back to some forgiveness of myself reasons, situations, circumstances. I have to get out in public but all my time, in the research of God’s word I have run across quicksand. No one believes you accept my guardian angel. Quick to judge, sure to condemn.
Whose condemnation is it? Not mine, your time will come, my time was just sooner. Believe what you may, All the words written in The Bible are yesterday, today, is tomorrow.
Past, Present, Future, God’s gift is the present sheath the past through Jesus Christ Holy Spirit and look forward to the future. For it is only through Jesus Christ that we can be forgiven, He is the opening of our souls. Then the Baptism the death of sin, rebirth through and with Jesus Christ the redemption of our sins the cleansing sometimes continues you do not think you can take another development and a bigger one comes around. June 14, 1996
Now, I can perceive. Before, when I was in the muck of destruction, I could not think. Now I have an unlimited span in my mind’s eye. There stands firm in my being. June 16, 1996,
Confused: I am confused about my spiritual awareness, the knowledge is there, it is all in my writings, my keepsakes, which are essential to me. I know the meaning of truth. I can write it, but I can not speak it.
June 17, 1996, In the past five and a half months, I have been reading God’s Words, studying daily for hours. I have written prayers, letters, vocabulary, set a definite consciousness of the presence of God, which I felt I could not reach. All the things that need to be done will be done in perfect order in perfect time. June 17, 1996, Wendy Yvette Greenwell
Seventeen years since I wrote, “In Presence of Spirit,” the original, wow 2005, now it is eighteen years, double wow. Eighteen years since Jesus gave me the beginning of my heart’s quest.
To stay with me and keep me and protect me, so the fulfillment of the nature of, “In Presence of Spirit,” is going to hit the hearts of the multitudes. Has to happen, it was written in the Spirit of Our Father.
Spirit of Spirit, Cooperation, United again,
To share the rest of the book, writings. How? The way and the means will be plentiful. Why not? It is, was and will always be; meant to be. I followed my call, and I completed the first part.
The second is in the transfer. To open up: The heart of Your People and give them a piece of Heaven in One Heart, One Mind, To You With Love. From Jesus and Wendy in writing To You.
To every one of You, in The Whole World,
It is my Honor to Present the rest of the prayers and writings, quotes from me, Na, from the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, through me.
No closed doors, everything is opened and receptive.
The decision has been made and done, start the process of ritual purification. “I think I am talking about a picture I wanted to put on the book.” I am sending it to you; it is heaven to me, it is deep and breathtaking, it reminds me of my first breath of life through Christ Jesus in the spirit of, “In Presence of Spirit.”
I am happy for your healing through Jesus Christ,
Cleansing waters, of shedding the scars of the past existence, before you met Christ. The spark is ignited, and you are in the process of cleansing, to freedom from sin, guilt, anything on the contrary of good and evil. All is One, in Christ Jesus, Love.
It is all for His People to come inside the inner chamber of your innermost being. There you will knock, and the door will be opened. I let, “In Presence of Spirit,” go where it wills when that time comes. I hope my experience helps everyone else. Because that is what God gave me, Peace In Hope, and Faith of His, Ever Presence.
He is ours for the asking:
A deep bottomless pit in which you have to reach down deep and then from the depths, there you will see the truth of existence and know all I want, is to be, “In Presence of Spirit.” Love and kisses from heavens door, open up you will be home soon. 5/20/13 2:41:16 AM input August 29, 2005-August 29, 2013
God Bless The Whole Entire World. It means everything. I know every time my writings are read: “You are, and I am, In Presence of Spirit, in Conversations with The Lord.” I know this is what the Holy Spirit wanted me to do. Amen. Wendy Yvette Greenwell
30 Years now. Wendy’s 30th Anniversary Year with My very own, “In Presence of Spirit,” that turned into, “You are, and I am In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.” all extensions of the one writing. That is how I look at it. Even though I have “Reflections,” they still belong with the rest of the extensions. Okay, I read it. I am on #417.
Now, I know my writings are inspired, and offered,
Now, I know my writings are inspired and offered through me from, The Holy Spirit,
Through me from, The Holy Spirit, because I can do nothing myself. Through The Spirit of Christ, guided this whole incredible trip from beyond, to its fulfillment. I believe, so it is evidence. Richard also believes, and you claimed to have understood, my journey from, darkness to the light, of Our Lord and Savior.
This is why I was never satisfied with my mortality, where is the meaning? Only in the Lord, the true meaning ignited the light of my soul.
The whole book is, “In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.”
“subject to change several times.” So I am sharing them with you, twenty-eight thousand words of encouragement, with the Lord. Impressive writings, seventy-five to be exact.
I need you to answer honestly, a couple of questions. I have: are you willing to share, my gift to you, In Spirit? All. Giving The Reunion of Our Spirits, In Spirit, To The One Truth, Christ Is.
To anyone who wants some downtime,
A piece of eternity, in spirit, with the Lord, The husband of my youth, and I, in spirit, reading. You cannot imagine, what you inspired me to write, with you, in spirit, because I always wanted this, not that, and I slip, but I still have faith, that the ninety-three thousand words of, “In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord,” are meant to be.
I have 1996-1999, so far accounted.
2005 is a lot of writing. I still have the rest of the years, which are vast, as with my recent writings. “Writings,” is the only word, I can use for the mass correspondence with The Lord In Spirit.
I would like it, if it is, your will, to share my spiritual writings, To The People.
In prison and then to anyone, who understands, a gift with one heart to heal, from Wendy and You, because at last, I was given the most significant gift from you, asking me to pray with you, and that, was all, it took.
Thank you for believing in me, and thank you for letting me go. The Spirit of you is manifested in the writings of your letters, I wrote to you, that you never received. I put them all together, and I have three books.
So we are sharing, Our book, with your permission, and if you choose not to for any greed, there I wrote it. We will, but prayerfully you can decide what you feel in your heart. “Reflections of In Presence of Spirit”
It is a spiritual love affair.
Mind, heart, and soul. It is a unique experience that each one of Us can attune to. Jesus Christ put Us back together in spirit, and I am grateful. I do not know if I left out anything. Dramatic times, take drastic measures. There has to be more to life than this. “Reach out and touch some body’s hand, make this World a better place if we can.” We have to do it together. I can not do it by myself anymore. You inherited it. It is shared to you, in love, and understanding, and utmost, and foremost it is, “In Presence of Spirit.”
So are you up for the task at hand. It does not mean we are obligated in the flesh. Well I have something to share, and The Lord and I, are ready to release and share the writings, I wrote to you personally. June 8, 2006, Wendy Yvette Greenwell See I knew then, I was going to Publish the letter writings, I wrote to him.
January 24, 2018, This is so much fun this mornings total for this year is 404 UV, 1,914 Visits, 18,999 views, 27,962 hits, 14.84 GB. GoDaddy said my site is 156 GB’s it is a massive Website. I had no idea. I was told I have unlimited GB’s. I like large pictures, no more downsizing unless it is double, triple writing. January 13, 2019, Wendy
Thank you for forgiving me, my death in the flesh, and I forgive you for everything under God’s Creation. I hope you do not think; I haven’t arranged something awesome, and incredible, to the full heart of Christ Jesus, and yet to the ones that have not found that the kingdom of heaven is within.
All they need is Jesus, to cleanse them of the lie. We have never been without. All the while the pain, anguish, the no reason for being still, is gripping at our internal, external existence, and there is no escape, so it seems.
Until the great fall and there is your submission. I can not, but You Can! Come, Jesus Christ, come out of the grave of the outer abominations of desolation. In the presence of spirit, which brings you freedom from the bondage of time, place and reason.
All are joined in Christ Jesus, to come to the healing waters of cleansing heart, mind, and soul. In the process of internal purification. To The One Truth, Christ is.
All we have to do is reach down deep and accept God’s gracious gift of Salvation,
“ask in my name” but you know it is essential to ask for forgiveness of sins, understanding, knowledge, patience, wisdom, fortitude, courage, in everything. Reach and go beyond the norm. The heavens are not even the limit. Jesus in his infinity has given me faith in the ever-presence of his majesty. My Lord, My God, my only reason for living still.
See when you asked me to pray with you, God heard you, when you wrote it on the envelop, So, in essence, you opened up the passage for me. You are the one that ignited the light in my heart again, and I have four hundred seventy writings to prove this.
“I have worked like I do not need the money.” I asked the Lord for understanding and wisdom and boy “I have loved like I have never been hurt,” Love Mercy.”
You once again sparked the light of Jesus in my heart. When you were writing that only message to me, the wife of your youth, on that letter to our young adults. The word was given to me directly because I had already started writing to you.
In The Spirit of Our Most Wonderful Sovereign Most High of the Holy of Holy, in Jesus, “I Am,” my sweet friend of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
My brother, the reason, “In Presence of Spirit,” came to be,
If my pain was not enough! We took on a major undertaking in commitment to the Lord. We new, but we did not know. The questions were’ asked, the knowledge was granted, even though no one believed Jesus gave me heaven when he gave me, “In Presence of Spirit,” the first writing, and you of all people, no that for a fact.
I am going to send this letter first. I pray that you, not be afraid in any way shape or form. That I would be rude or obnoxious the way, I was in the last three letters. It was everything I had to say. Thank you for forgiving me for that. I was burnt out from all the trauma’s in our daily lives, everyone’s choices, not having three but seven, eight at times and two more on the way, and “dance like nobody is watching,” I remember.
I have some significant revelations for you.
They are all written in the letters, I sent you and were’ returned. So they are copyright. Every writing is signed and dated the day I edited them and the date of creation.
Today is your departure from owing me, Child Support. Congratulations. One heavy load, you do not have to carry anymore, I can relieve you of, and it is done. “Your Welcome”
As for your lack of what you did not do, for the children or what you did not do, by all the abominations of desolation. You are admonished of your past life. Forgive yourself through Christ Jesus love.
Give it to Him; He wants that part of you to be clean. He wants no dark spots, in hidden crevasses of your inside being. Leave it in the darkness and come into the light of Christ Jesus World Awakening.
Please do not put yourself down. You are, one in spirit, one in the Lord. He has called you into the inner chamber of His Ever Presence, and He is healing all your wounds. All your scars, all your wondering, all your lack of the truth, we all can possess.
It is not enough to ask; it is so much broader a process, we have to flow through, you can not rush it. You can help it by not putting yourself down. You are special. You are a unique human being of spiritual, and flesh, you are in Him, and He is in you.
You are freed from the bondage that has plagued humanity. You are forgiven. Acknowledge that fully, completely and ultimately. Yes, there are things you could have done differently, forgive yourself for not doing it, and give it to the Lord.
Hand it over.
It is not yours anymore. You are one in The Lord. You are among, The Spiritual Awakening of World Union, through Jesus Christ. He has forgiven you. Now you have to forgive yourself.
The grown adult children love their Daddy. OK, their forgiveness is in the Lord, and it will come in their time, and the Lord’s. You can not force it.
I would like for you to know that I believe along with R.H., that all this is meant to be accomplished. The writings are received and nurtured for God’s purpose. He is the real Author for without Him in Spirit, and in every true aspect of Him, in His entire eternity. I could and can do nothing without Him.
With Him, I am alive in Spirit. Without, I am in darkness. Having had been in the light, I wished so much to be in Spirit. Thanks again, for opening the channel of communication, because this is what I love, letting it all hang out, in the blood of Jesus Christ. I believe, so it is so. I enjoyed writing this letter.
Look how long it takes to get to Christ. We need to give the faster way; you can not push it, you can help, though. Your, letters of Jesus are the omnipresence of the Lord, in His Glory.
The Holy Spirit, is calling The People, them that can hear, let them understand the writings of their souls. Through Jesus Christ, there is a passage that all can enter and attain.
Then Jesus Christ Holy Spirit guides you every step of the way. Sometimes you do not think you can take another envelopment, and then a bigger one. The sin is eradicated, from the ever presence of our being. We are being cleansed of everything that hurts us in any way, “the old is passed away, the now in consciousness is tomorrows reality.”
It is the truth of our existence. Ask the questions from the simplest to the most complex, and you will get the answer through Jesus Christ. He has all the answers in His Omnipotence.
He is Our Guide.
He is the Highest. He is the Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and the End, The only ruler of our souls. He is the Master of the Universe. He is welcoming everyone into the kingdom of heaven within. There you shall knock, and the door has been opened.
OK, are you ready for the other revelations. My writings, my book, “In Presence of Spirit.” I have, because of you, my ex-husband, the husband of my youth. The only one in ten years that asked me to pray with you.
Can you imagine, what an envelop did?
It is opening me up to perseverance, through Our Lord Jesus Christ. I have in me, A Present from Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and Wendy, In Writing.
“Reflections of In Presence of Spirit,” by Wendy. This I share with you. All I am giving you is peace in return. Eighteen years, it is just that. How can one writing, so precious, and pure, not be carried through to eternity?
It is heavenly, it is, In The Presence of Jesus Christ Holy Spirit, and is Presented in Love of Our Only Ruler of Our Ever Lasting Souls. He is the only answer. My past love, but the one way through Christ, was granted, and you do not even know yet. (still does not know)
“I have worked like I do not need the money.” Everyone is telling me to get a job, let’s see Michael is seven months, on the first, Orlie is four, Christopher is three. R.H. is 63 on the 27, and he needs full assistance.
I have been writing for fifty-six days. The first seven days, it was all to you, to a three-stage, day, eye migraine, from the sudden expansion of my brain. I exploded in awe, and all the words came traveling out of my inside being.
Once again I expressed in totality, on paper to you, who asked me to pray with you from conception to full fruition. I loved, and I am loved in Spirit. To The Christ Spirit within us all. Cheers!
You are happy in the Lord. He makes every step you take worth breathing. He frees you from the inside pain of no solution, the inner turmoil, of no reason for being still. In the resurrection of the soul, is life through Christ Jesus.
He is the one that guides you through the internal purification of heart, mind, and soul. It does not matter where you are just that you have the kingdom of heaven within your inner house, where restoration of heart, mind, and soul are cleansing the internal house of your ever presence.
Replacing it with forgiveness, and putting on the Armor of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is calling! Can you hear Him? I hope you understand the vastness of what I am saying.
It is ours. It is our legacy. It was given to share. It will do, what it’s purpose was, is and ever will be, to do. Just because, “In Presence of Spirit,” has not sold, does not mean it is not going to sale, “be shared.”
It will be captured, the true essence of my book of Jesus Christ, with Jesus Christ Holy Spirit, walking on His feet, in His Arms of Mercy, there go I.
You have always been part of me, no matter what we endured in our marriage, and after. While it was going on, I was in the Lord, and He kept me from falling apart. Nothing was cut and dried, and forgotten especially you, even though we had rough years.
We knew we were reaching for help. We just missed the bull’s eye, and so as it is with everyone, in their time, and season, they will come — the whole lot of them. I know in my heart that something giant is going to happen, it has been happening.
I did not know how many significant writings, I was holding on to. Even though you are someone else’s, I can share you in spirit; it is OK, God has given the OK.
I have six writings from 87′, to 95′, and from 1996-2005. Ten years, I kept writing all these years. I have beautiful inspiring, healing through Jesus Christ Love. He gave it to me.
Remember when I said, “I was a gift to you and yours and from you and yours, to put an end to the pain, and peace to our souls.” It was for you, the husband of my youth, because of your pain, my pain, world pain.
I Had To Find My Purpose! and I Did! and I Have! and I Am Completing for Publication. I thought I had a five-year deadline, and it was ten years. I jumped the gun by five years and twelve thousand dollars.
Oh well, the book will sell, when it is God’s time, and then I will be able To Publish Myself, “In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.”My whole big baby, not a partial replacement no. No, it is to good to keep in secret, and I was the one it was made for because it all came out of my inner being, where Jesus Christ Holy Spirit is, and ever will be.
So whatever comes of this journey, I am undertaking is the completion of what was given in Spirit, eighteen years ago. This is, “In Presence of Spirit,”Anniversary Year,and every one of my writings, have a name, all four hundred and seventy of them, plus I am still editing.
I have gone through significant transitions in my life, all because I was praying the old fashioned way, but not forgetting where I had been, for many praying sessions In Spirit of The Lord. My writings, prove this to be true.
My prayers have been for World Healing. So when you wrote that *W G,* You opened the windows of heaven. The second you asked me to pray with you, when you finished your letter, closed it, sealed it, and wrote that on the envelope, I was already writing. Every letter I wrote you has a writing. They are all Consecrated In Spiritual Love.
Well, I hope this letter finds you better than ever, full of joy, and forgiveness and understanding. With some knowledge, and lots of wisdom. Yes in Christ all gifts are acquired and registered like this. To you with love, the wife of your youth, and Mother of your first three children. October 25, 2005, 6/2/2013 04:50:46 AM Wendy Yvette Greenwell 2495 words longest one!
January 19, 2018, I am going to put them in the order as I had them on their temporary home. It is easier than jumping around. Thus the longest writing to the husband of my youth. I have Published it before.
I am going to Publish it here. In a while. I tried to take the dates off of one and the computer did not let me so everything is as is. More personal that way. Thank you to Grammarly for helping me with the comma mistakes, etc. I do not have the Pro. I wonder how bad of a writer I am.
Actually to me, I am “In Presence of Spirit” again, working on my writings, and I am happy to be working on putting all my Published writings together for the very first time. I am going to Publish it as is. I can not believe myself sometimes. Bold for the Lord. January 12, 2019, I am at writing, 370, one hundred thirty-three to go. Wendy