You know I have felt, over the years,

Only In The Spirit of Our Dear Heavenly Father

since I started writing the book, at the beginning of 1996,

Who am I, to write what I have, and who cares, in the World. What I have done. But all the while, time and time again. It was my journey, from the darkness of my soul, to bring light to my soul. For the loss of my life, and my love.

Through my writings, I was lifted out of darkness, into a state of grace.

    A grace only is given by Jesus Christ. I know my pain was ugly. My pain was in my face. When I left, I was in shock.

    I searched deep into myself, all the readings, all the prayers, all the crying, mourning, the things I put up with, the emotional roller coaster of the negative, that had consumed our lives.

    I had no cover-up, for my abused self, from him and me, for losing me, to the lie. Because that is all, it was. I once said, “that if this was all a game, everyone lost.” Well you know, the only thing we lost, was the fight.

My straightforward being, is a constant, in the writings.

    Only in the Spirit of Our Dear Heavenly Father, that made my experience, A Gift, Not A Curse.

    A Gift, To Mankind, for The Remission of The World’s Sins. In God, I live through Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit has ignited the light in my soul. To Induce, The Omnipresence, of every prayer for humankind. To open up the kingdom of heaven within, each one of us.

    Oh please, Who am I? No one of myself, pick me apart. The Lord through me, gave me, His Holy Spirit. “To Perpetuate An On-Going Dialogue With Him, “In Presence of Spirit.” That is what is up. All summed up for me alone? No! not for a second.

It is written, “In Presence of Spirit,” for His Purpose,

    To stay with me, until the end of time, and forever. Now, this is the only forever; I can only imagine. It was never a competition against or with the husband of my youth. Although it is obvious, I am not retarded. I stayed unmarried, and he is married all but three months of the fourteen years. Our kids are Adults; his kids are in the first grade, and kinder. Now he is staying, making it right.

    His little game caught up with him, now that I know it was all his game,  he always competed with me, for some strange reason,  to the ideas that be, he knew I was stronger.
    I survived every obstacle to come to complete for me, mine and the Lord’s, In Presence of Spirit.” To be shared. A must of my desire and my quest.
I can not in my mortality, state it any different.
    I refuse to be embarrassed about my small part in this, repeat, “but what oneself is, To You Dear Lord.” He gave me my heart, and my soul back. “In Presence of Spirit,” the original writing.
    I thought long and hard about that, the first piece of my heart, which he gave me eyes’ to see, to write it. “In Presence of Spirit,” and then closed they went. I was part of the negative inside me. Not just my cynical, but everyone. Take it any way you want it.
    I have to see it through. No door has opened yet. It is all or nothing. What do I have to lose? I guess I am the one, that is going to open, that door. Hey! What? the door opened, and no one dared, to come into, “Wendy’s, In Presence of Spirit.” When they do, I know I will feel better.
I love it, he gave me meaning before, during, after, my misery.

    In the presence of my misery, Jesus took my hand, and guided me out of darkness, into the light of, His Ever Presence. I have been a silent partner with Christ in me, the hope of Glory. Silent, I must not be anymore. To many are suffering. Although I still do not speak what I wrote. And if it is the Holy Spirit’s will for me to speak, at that time, so be it. With a one heart to heal. October 27, 2008 Wendy Yvette Greenwell

© 2008-2024 by Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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