Put the other entries in the electronic book

for now. I am waiting for the way to be shown.
It is a matter of days, weeks, months, no more years for this book.
I figure I will keep it open until the opportunity arises for the manuscript to be printed.
Oh, it has to be almost perfect. My way complete this time. Accept my quoting myself. The Spirit of me, and him who gave this beautiful book to me.
The Holy Spirit, knew I would share, even though to date it has not been read. It was a meant to be publication even though it did not sale or has been read. The first book.
“In Presence of Spirit,” still means the same thing today as it did the day I wrote them, all of them. I am still adding. I figure any one of these days will be the day I manuscript my personal writing to the Lord. Conversations with the Lord.
Thank you for showing me my place in your plan, through you Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus.
The time has come, I can not wait anymore.
It is step by step, it is meant to be. It is not my imagination. It is what it is. “A gift to you and yours, and from you and yours, to put an end to the pain, and peace to our souls” through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
I do not know what is going on with me. I am excited about the writings, and how big it is. All the work I have done. The Chronological is in order.
I know in my heart that it is significant, to the fulfillment, of my personal journey, from darkness to light.
My book writing days are coming to an end. What will I do? God will show me. It is not over, it is the beginning. I am sending it out soon.
I feel it. I have projected it’s out come since, “To Whom I May Concern,” November 25, 1995. It is altogether, now.
It is meant to be completed and certified into Publication. Without any outsiders making any decision against it, in any way, shape, or form.
This is a maximum input. It is maintained, it is consistent, it is extensions of, “In Presence of Spirit.com” It is the rest of, my conversations with the Lord.
It is the way I wrote them, and it is meant to be. If it was not, it would not be present, and it is all here, written by me, myself, and I. The proof, the verification, the credential, Published Book. “I still have them they are twenty years old now.” Wendy
© 2022-2023 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell