02/23/2024 @ 2:30 pm,

I am getting a Pet Scan on my Lungs. Head to my thighs. Yeah, both sides. They did a biopsy, that was benign, next Cat Scan said it grew to 1.5 cm.
November 2023, Pet Scan, came out the biopsy put a touch of malignant, why because it lit up. It ended up, I was not even seeing an Oncologist, and they sent me to a lung specialist that wanted to use the knew technology.
He suggested starting out cutting a third of my left lower lung out. My twin was with me she said No, second opinion. I am not going to find out the results until the first of March. Just thought I would share.
The Pet Scan came out negative for cancer. It does not change the fact that I have three nodules, on one side of my lungs, and three on the other side.
The blood biopsy came out with no cancer. I have not read the paper work. It was a long 16 months. The nodule, that lit up went down, 1.5 to 1.2.
I have some time to finish this website. I was trying to change the name on my YouTube, I opened it back up because I had an out of the ordinary experience.
I was trying to name it, “Unexpected Visitations.” I guess I am going to leave it as Wendy Yvette Greenwell. Weird, well, that is how I did it back then.
No one even knows me. The Video’s, still photo’s and the newest ones of the end of December 2023, are meant to be shared. Just like all the writings that I have put on this Website.
GoDaddy.com, changed IP addresses, I had it updated a couple of days ago. It looks like every thing is here. I am going to go through all of it one more time, before I attach it to Google Analytics.
Yep, I am not ready to go all in even after all these years. I am not private but I am not found easily. Well, my site. It is what I am meant to do. So, I did it, without anyone’s permission.
You see, my inpresenceofspirit.com started on December 13, 2013, I just calculated the total views, 2,720,483, eleven years.
I am going to have to force myself to make all the activations. Even though it has taken me a decade, this year, I am going to do it. It is meant to be fulfilled.
Even though some may be embarrassed for me or of me. I do not care. This is a gift to me, because I would not have made it without all my times, “In Presence of Spirit.” Wendy
© 2024 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell