Thank You, Lord, for this evening.

The beautiful Moon, The Clouds, The Stars, The Sun, The Universe, The Multi-Universe. The Omnipresence of Eternity, which You as Source Creator God Almighty Maker of The Heavens and the Earth, possess. The Planets, and everything that is part of it, and its glorious beauty. Thank you for the friend, the home, my Son’s Van because my car is out to lunch. Thank You for my Computer, Thank You for the will to Publish the Writings in Spirit Communication.
Thank You for, “In Presence of Spirit’s, Thirty Year Anniversary. 10,950 days
with Our first communication in Spirit of Your Ever Presence, showing me the way out of the darkness, and into the flow of conversation in spirit with You, and The Congregation of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in which I have come to believe, We are All One In Spirit, One in the Lord, Forever in Eternity.
I desire the manifestation of my journey’s quest
to activate the total rights, We All Have, as a child of God, not just for me but everyone who is, who was, and whoever will be, be that in the dimension here or there and everywhere and all the rest.
Thank You for my beautiful Trees, even though they need some cleaning up. My plants. Thank You for My Children and My Seventeen Grandchildren, one in heaven. Please Guide and direct them to Your Presence in Spirit.
Bless Each of Us with the clearing of the cobwebs of discontent, and Show The World, the way out of the darkness, and into Your Presence in Spirit, that is etched in our DNA, Activate, Now!
Like they say, “All for One, One for All,”
And of course One for All, All for One” You Lord have the keys to unlock our hearts soul core of our existence, we have to ask. Help Me find You again. Help Me open up and let Your light shine in my inward being and activate the light that I need to achieve Mastery of my God-given Rights as a child of The One True Source of existence and All Your Associates. The Arch Angels, The Legions of Angels, Everyone who is working on making this Multi-verse working together for All Mankind and Everyone unseen and unheard.
Open up the Light of Love For All Humanity.
Spark the Light of God Energy in everyone’s DNA Now! I have not lost the understanding. I desire to interpret, and communicate, In Presence of One Spirit, Your Spirit which makes it the whole Source Creator, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Activate Now!
All of them, for every person seen or unseen. Help the one who has not found the light, let them find it. Now in the blood of Jesus Christ Our Savior.
Take the blinders off of the misconception, and show the People out of darkness into the light of Your Every Presence. Thank You God Almighty, for Your Presence in Spirit in “You are, and I am In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.” Wendy April 27, 2018
© 2018-2023 Wendy Yvette Greenwell