To the dear husband of my youth always and forever,

My Twin Norfolk Island Pines. Not here anymore
Your acknowledgment of the arrival of a very important mission.

    I can not wait, until I put it in complete order, even though we are apart. I received all eight letters; I sent you back and one missing — the second time around fourteen letters sent to you and thirteen letters back. I have to help you understand; I have been writing since you asked me for prayer.

I have forty writings just from August 05′.

    I have been working hard on the writings. I have completed four hundred fifty-three writings, in nine weeks, that includes one hundred forty-four from the book (writings) My Book, “In Presence of Spirit.” It is incredible, the rest of the writings, I knew I had. They are vast in awesomeness. I mean each one, is its unique writing, of its own, for me anyway.

The writings are soothing,

    Even though my world is in turmoil, upside down. Christ stands, and His Presence of Spirit is felt in, “In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.”

Yes, you blessed me with the rest of my incredible trip

    From beyond the dead to life in Christ. I am sorry I missed you, my bull’s eyes missed you fourteen times. Man, and you never received letters as I have for you. No, the letters did not find or follow you, they came back to mama. So, we are one in the spirit; we are one in the Lord. Praise God for His, Laws, Statuettes, Judgement, Lamentations, Supplications, in Pure Love for the Love of God is upon us.

Please do not think that I ever stopped caring about you.

    I could have been a thorn, but I was not. Excuse my writing, I feel yuk, and I have written so much, thousands of words, I mean if “In Presence of Spirit,” the book has one hundred and forty-four writings. To date, I have four hundred fifty-three. Three hundred and nine writings, I have edited, re-wrote, and made handwritten copies of some for you that I sent, and they returned.

You know, I can not wait, till I put it in order, of days, weeks, months, years.

    Ten years plus, of writings from my heart to yours and everyone in the World’s heart. I can not believe it is the middle of October. Time flies. I thought you already knew everything, now to find out, I have not been with you, and your acknowledgment of arrival of a very important mission. I have been on since and before our demise. October 17, 2005, Wendy Yvette Greenwell

©2005-2023 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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A Journey from darkness to the light.