I am back in the Bible.

I have been reading, writing vocabulary and writing scriptures. I cannot sing right now. I am not going to give up on getting a job.
You know I needed to be with my twin. For many years I was hurt, she was not with me back in the day, she hid out so to speak. Anyway, I have overcome a lot of things from the past. Boy, my twin and I are Twins. I feel safe with her; I wait for her, miss her. God did Bless me with a Twin. Growing up we always had each other period. So I was not ever a people person.
When you are a kid time is so slow,
It feels, then, fifteen years have gone by Nineteen years she has lived in San Antonio and me in the Valley. I have been here since February 10, 1996, my thirty-sixth birthday. I have been gone since December 29, 1995. I left. I had to for the kids; they refused to go to the shelter with me. I had no other choice.
This scripture is why I know it was and is right that I left. Malachi 4:6 “And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.”
It is easy reading when you have an understanding.
As it is written, “as it is unto this day,” in many of the verses in the Bible. Writings pertain to the past, the present, the future.
The fascinating, powerful scriptures are Romans:
The whole Epistle. That is the one which should be read through in Church. The Gift is there in totality. If everyone read the Romans, they would have more understanding. Everything pertains, and we all have to find the Christ within.
I like reading the Bible and when I come to a word Supplications entreat earnestly address in prayer. Daniel 9:23 “beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth, and I come to show thee, for thou art greatly beloved; therefore understand the matter, and consider the vision.”
This is fun for me.
The Thesaurus of these words is incredible, so many words mean the same thing, all meaning in one word from God. I do freak out sometimes when we are on the expressway there are so many people and how many are searching? How many are afflicted by abuse? How many? I try to see my part of society, and I withdraw. I lost fifteen years, and I am judged. I have some obstacles to jump over but, at least I am going forward. I am getting stronger, further from the past.
I have no idea what tomorrow is going to bring.
I do not know where I stand with my pre-teens. It has been a month since I have seen them. I have no plans to go down there, even if I wanted to it would be on someone else’s wallet, car time, so when I can do it myself, and when I am ready I will go, I might be being stingy, I am still affected by my loss, and I need more time.
I have accepted all of it because it was my choice in leaving, it is just a shame that I fell and lies prevailed. It is a shame. It is like I am dead. What is there to be here for but I am destined not to die to until He is ready to take me. I am probably depressing you sorry.
I am working on working I will overcome this sooner or later will see what time brings. I hope something good. This is the pits. May 14, 1996, Wendy Yvette Greenwell
Now why would I Publish my writings like this. My conversations, with my guardian angel. This one is a letter to her. It belongs with all the rest, no matter how uncomfortable I am at times. Wendy
© 1996-2023 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell