I stayed in the past

and was afraid of painful changes. I used every excuse to blame other events as the cause of my pain, but it was merely me holding on to the memories and trauma that kept the cycle going.
Now, after meditation, prayer, and communion with others living in the Spirit, I can move on with peace and acceptance. I do not have the pain and grief that I used to carry around, and I do not fear my future.
It is pretty hard to accept at first, but I wanted a lot of time and hurt a lot of people, especially the ones, I love and those that love me.
My future is secure in Jesus. I think it is the best news for us, including those that still have not come to believe.
I hope that you can use your spiritual guide. To keep your mind healthy and pray for today’s problems, as they are opportunities for growth. Sincerely in Christ. August 19, 2005, “the husband of my youth wrote this letter to me.” This is your letter in spirit to me. In Spirit, where we belong to give the World, a piece of You and Me, finally coming together, in peace and love of Christ Jesus Our Savior, and Lord from God through Jesus Christ to Us, with love. Wendy Yvette Greenwell
Jesus forgives me my sins, let me stay steadfast in your calling. Keep me from saying anything else to my ex-husband about us. There is no us, and I do not want to be hurt in any way with that decision. Oh, Lord. Help us. I sent it out. The only thing I could do. I am desperate and you wanted me to do something giant and I did. I Love You Jesus Christ, kisses to heaven. March 10, 2005 Wendy Yvette Greenwell
© 2005 – 2024 inpresenceofspirit.com by Wendy Yvette Greenwell