Category Archives: 2017

November 25, 2017

DNA Awakening Archangel Michael:

Directing The Light Within You For Your Joy “YouTube”

Wild Photo, I could see it on my phone it was so weird
Maybe I have done this wrong the whole time whatever

Just so you know I have worked to share, like I did, not wanting to ask for donation, any money for many years. Actually, to this day. I denied myself money for one I am disabled two I have taken care of my friend with Cerebral Palsy for 16 years, as a friend, companion. With no outside help. I wrote a book, did not sell, have a couple hundred copies. I kept on going for 21 years of writing. The first writing grew into the extensions of my first published book plus the rest of the writings. I am a Published Author.

    The extensions I have shared since 2011. Seriously seven years, and I can not ask for money. I have a mental issue with this. I have 17 grandchildren one in heaven, and the taxes are due, etc. I will test your theory on coming out of the world of lack and into prosperity.

    It is okay I shared, and did not even receive any communication from the readers of my writings. I know my writings are in the Heavens.

    Richard needs a lift chair, desperately my hands, years helping him with everything. But the main thing he can still do, so I have a break there. To top it off his wheelchair is broken so I only take him out when I take him to the Dr. and to pay a bill. I decided to Publish this on my site. Need to Publish.

    I am listening to “Broken Wings” Mr. Mister from December 14, 1985. My daughter was born at 11:55 p.m. January 1, 1986. I am hooked on this song right now.

    The pictures I have taken since I got my phone with a flash, are well over 6000. I have watched many YouTube Videos on Orbs, Rods, etc. I have not found one like my pictures. Yes, it was drizzling, I had to change four times and hope that my new phone did not break. It was only a steady drizzle.

    That yellow light came back to visit. 60 times just the corner on the left side. I said,  what is going on. I kept taking pictures, then it showed itself right in front of the camera yellow long bright with circles and dimensions, a picture in itself, 68 times, Wow! As long as it was there I was going to take the picture. I even took a picture of my feet on my oily yuk driveway and it was still there. I will put The first picture of it right here. Although I have not uploaded them to my computer.

No one has given me a definitive answer on what it really is. It does not have to be raining for them to appear. I still do not think it is a bug. I cannot put them on my website because it takes to much GB’s. I have a YouTube station that I have not done anything with accept listen to music, and listening to all the incredible writers of positive reinforcements, and verification’s of exactly what I have been through, with all my years of writing, and Publishing for free, nonetheless.

    I need answers to what I am supposed to do to! Complete this my writings of “In Presence of Spirit.” All the extensions of the one writing. So I am asking, Jesus Christ, I am ready to accept for me, myself, my big family, and all the ones it will help, as I set forth to proclaim prosperity, and abundance through Jesus Christ hands this matter lies.

    It is okay for me to make room for a source of income, and get off of disability. My passion, and desire are in the writings you blessed me with.

    My eyes are not hurting. I still protect them especially on any day two pair of sunglasses, my eyes have 100% UV Protection Blue Lenses. Does that mean they are fake blue eyes now? At night I do not have to wear glasses that is insane, but I do wear night yellow glasses from Flying J’s Truck Stop, anyone having night vision problems with the lights would benefit from night glasses.

    I can not read without readers. I have my appointment for reading glasses next Tuesday. The Dr. said they are going to be strong. The 2.0 reading glasses are pretty good, Thank you, Lord. I tend to leave them on quite often, by habit. My brother told me not to wear them when I am not reading, or on my phone or computer.

    I have to wear sunglasses in the stores at night because my eyes hate fluorescent lights. My eyes twitch, the Dr. said that is usually after Cataract Surgery. Well, I do not like it so I have to change glasses all the time. I should not complain.

    The main thing is I do not have pain. I still have glaucoma but there is room for the flow of liquid to do what it does, without the cataract obstruction. I am grateful for having relief from years of suffering eye pain. I still use my eye drops twice a day, every 12 hours.

    I still believe in this gift that I received through my tribulations. I have followed through because it is my quest, and desire to fulfill my part in helping through the transition from darkness to the light.

    I have been stuck for awhile, cannot write, can not work on the writings, my passion is hiding from me because I choose to be weak and burnt out.

    I am going to be forwarding 2005 writings to this site. I can use up to 5 SSL on my site, at this time I only have two. Actually, I have four they are already forwarded here. I do not go over there to my second site very often so extremely low activity.

    Dream On by Aerosmith I had to put it on 100% on a pretty good speaker my Son got. Okay, I put it down to 71%.

    May The Grace of Our Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ from God showdown in the World His Love for Mankind and the magnitude of really being, “In Presence of Spirit,” with God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit which is in all religions! One God Almighty, One Heaven on Earth, One True Love, The one who is in each one of us to activate our kingdom of heaven within our eternal beings. Ask and you will receive.

    See in my writings I wrote from within my inner being. All I wanted was to be in presence of spirit, with The Holy Spirit of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I was for two decades. Excited to study to write to work on my writings, and I have lost it. I would like to be able to write while in presence of spirit, again.

    Can you imagine 17 grandchildren one in heaven? From two twenty-one years Divorced people? Oh, in actuality, I could not spend one more ounce of energy on that person that was my husband for 14 and a half years.

    My writings are through the transitions from darkness to the light. In the light of every single extension of my personal conversations with the Lord. I have shared.

    I would like to get Richard his lift chair and some kind of handicapped accessible bathroom bathtub for him and a new wheelchair. The car is finally fixed, got the full wire harness, for the alternator, starter, and battery, and the alternator $313.55. Seventh Alternator.

    In the last four months, I have had the transmission go out, fixed 500.00, the top of the engine 480 my Son paid that, the radiator and hoses 150.00, 4 relays for my fan 52.00, four new tires 148 special at Walmart they refused to touch my tires. I had to take it to a tire shop. I had been going to for years that was 60.00, and the battery. My Son gave me his battery.

    His car yuk, cannot even use my driveway. I hate it and I can not move it. Well, I am complaining but it is weird being without a car. I do not drive much but when I need to I can now.

    I am in divine connection with the fulfillment of my desires of completing this my “You are and I am In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.” I am trying. Help Lord! Wendy Yvette Greenwell November 25, 2017

    December 4, 2017, I activated my YouTube Station. I uploaded five videos, I made, with the help of my Computer and the applications I use. I have never seen anything like the pictures. I had 18 GB’s on my phone, there was no room left 6000 pictures in a month. Wendy My YouTube, is private now. Wendy

© 2017-2022 Wendy Yvette Greenwell


In the morning,

Night photo with a flash
Recite your Mantra.

A glass of water, rub your hands together until they get warm. Put your hands around the glass of water. Recite your mantra. “Yeah right, I never did it.”

I am willing to accept my place

    In the regeneration of The Universe. I can view the very depths, heights, width, and length of, “In Presence of Spirit,” in its entirety of being purely present and able to reach fruition in understanding.

I accept abundance and prosperity

for with and in, “In Presence of Spirit,” “You are, and I am In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.” I am acknowledging that I am the sole Author, In Spirit with my One True Love. God Almighty maker of one heart, one mind, entwined in Love for All Mankind.

I am igniting the light of the One True Source in me

    Again, I rise above the usual perceptions of being in darkness. I am asking for The Light of The World to ignite the Light of Truth in Humanity as a whole. I pray in Your name Jesus Christ, The Holy Father, The Holy Son, and The Holy Spirit, to ignite the light of truth in the understanding of what we indeed are.

The Kingdom of Heaven is within.

    Go into thy inner chamber, and there I shall be, One in Spirit, One in the Lord, Thank you, Father God, my soul, dwells with thee. I am united with my Creator; I am one within the one true Source of Eternity. I am manifesting the tremendous blessings for humankind to find their way home in the internal, within the scope of Divine Love, Divine Guidance, Divine Intervention, Thank you.

I need to be inspired, to be “In Presence of Spirit,” one on one conversations with the Lord.

Although I need rejuvenation, body, heart, mind, soul. Regeneration. I need the ignition to ignite the Light of Love in my heart To The Universe, One Big Gigantic Kiss Eternally. Ignite the vibration of frequencies that will make my self-be free of this lack to plenty everything for everyone. The Love that once was is, now and forever Amen. September 26, 2017,

    November 30, 2018, This morning Stats were 38,719 views for November, I barely worked on it this month. I am going to read this hopefully every day for December 2018, The last month of “In Presence of Spirit’s” 30th Anniversary Year of my first communication “In Presence of Spirit.” 1988-2018, 2018 Stats 302,983 views. It has been awhile since I Published, I am going to push Publish, and it is done. Wendy

©2017-2023 by Wendy Yvette Greenwell


What do you want Wendy?

Moon between my trees
I want all to be one in Spirit understanding The Universal Connection of Creation

I want all to be one in Spirit, understanding, The Universal Connection of Creation. I want to be One in Spirit, One in The Lord.

I want to feel the internal vibration of love in spirit for humanity. So they can find their kingdom of heaven within. I am not lost, but I am longing to be, “In Presence of Spirit” again. I ask for the return of my Salvation through and from Jesus Christ that opened my heart, and let it breathe again.

    I want to feel the full ignition in the presence of my being. To fulfill my purpose, my gift to humanity. Is “You are, and I am In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.” September 1, 2017, Wendy Yvette Greenwell

    March 25, 2018, I started late and found this one. For some reason, I have dizzy spells. I guess I am going to have to force myself to go to the Doctor. I have had fun Publishing. I do not know if I am going to keep it up.

    I had to put Security on my site because so many were trying to break in. I do not know what anyone thinks about what I have done by Publishing my writings to The World. They call it Global now. The site hit 80,952 views this morning for this year. Thank you for viewing my writings. If you think I am crazy, I do not care. February 17, 2019, Wendy

© 2017-2023 Wendy Yvette Greenwell


Dear Lord God Almighty Maker of the Heavens and The Earth.

My Son in the reflection
Bring Your Everlasting Touch of Spirit Rain Down  Blessings on Mankind

Have Mercy on All Your People. Bring down Your Holy Comforter United with You. Bring Your Everlasting Touch of Spirit Rain Down  Blessings on Mankind.

    Rekindle their innocence with Your Presence in Spirit. Spark the light of You in their hearts. Stop the decay of degeneration and Regenerate All Our God-Given Rights as A Being of Light, Altogether, One of The Most Highest, Entwined in the Ever-Presence of Your Majesty.

    Help! We all need Your Help! In every way shape and form. The devastation of everything human-made. We are all made of God from God through Jesus Christ to every one of us; no one person is left out.

    I Am Calling You Jesus Christ Holy Spirit. I need You back; I need to be alive in Spirit and Awaken the darkest corner of my soul, to share the rest of the extensions of Our Writings, “In Presence of Spirit.”

Oh Lord Help Us! All of Us! The World! People are suffering so much. Show Us The Way Out of the pits of despair. Bring Us into The Presence of You and wash the past behind. Through Your Healing Process which is an inspiration to go through.

    It sure has brought me out of darkness into the Light of Your World Awakening. In and Through The Love of God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit. Thank You for Your Everlasting Presence in Spirit. April 14, 2017, Wendy Yvette Greenwell March 24, 2018, Amen I did not see my Son until I enlarged the picture. February 17, 2019, Wendy

© 2017-2023 Wendy Yvette Greenwell