My  hours are spent, when I am not working,

One Person One Personal Cause
I am asleep or going to the Valley with nothing accept myself, my meager belongings that I am satisfied with for now. Ready to be smashed on the road at any time. One person, one personal cause, out in the unknown, without outward protection.


    I am insured in faith because otherwise, I would not be moving; the attacks on the outer are not penetrating the inner awareness of the whole situation. So there is positive still in motion, but not, I repeat, not in your time.

    You are giving me three weeks to get a place to live, no resources, and no time to force any. Future possible, but I am floundering with what I call my book, the writings of, “In Presence of Spirit,” of which I am not ashamed, or confounded.

I spoke in the faith of, which will accomplish itself if it is meant to be.

    I know I need to be independent. I can not force conception of an apartment, and or home, resources; it will fall into place when it happens.
      What more shall I pay, not my life, God forbid? But if it is His will kill me and get it over with, for my shame was left in the fire. And I care not what lies say, but what the truth is. There is only one truth, ever hidden until the dawning of, “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done,” not mine, not yours, but through the one source of Truth, is the light that has already been lit.
       So with this; take it any way you want it. Who’s penalty? I thought it was mine. My Husband, is your Husband, My house, is your house, my children all three are in custody of you by marriage, all my belongings were thrown away, my trees, my plants from cuttings, lots of plants and three hundred eighty-six dollars a month.

What else is in store. Give me your best shot.

    I am ready for anything. You can not force me to feel guilty because who was the loser. You two did not want what you got. You wanted to be free, and all your worst nightmares came true, as mine did. That is where, what comes around, goes around, right in your face. 
      If I have the children, it will have to be through the Court. I can not pick up what you had fourteen and a half years to mold, your financial future. $1,100 Child Support. So you go for it guys. That is the reason you wanted everything, and you fought me. 
     I was dead, and I had to save my children, you said, you were ready for them to love them and be their Father, in totality. Where are your reins, it looks like you have given them up, someone else controls you, I like that, you go girl, but our children come first.
     You saw me stripped naked of everything. I was degraded all this time, and my children were beaten down verbally about me. I was cremated in the eyes of my children, and left for dead, for what?

 No! I was giving up on my writings, but they are too good to put in a box.

    I was told to accurately, write about my past, but the writings, I have from the day I left, my rude awakening is sufficient enough for the gestation of the truth, I found within. “In the destruction of the desolation, left in the fire, from sin to forgiveness,” in the hands of, The Spirit of God, that saved me.”
     My writings show the significant transitions and provide hope for Women still left suffering. I laid down my life, and I will not keep my writings secret, it will be published. The fat lady did not sing; she wrote the book from the dead to the living.
     The only protection for our children, yours and mine, was for me to let you take total control, and that is what I did.
     I gave up so that radical bunch of people would be exterminated, I did not bring them in, by the man that was ready to be Father. You left an abused woman, by you, hurt, anguish starving myself, no sleep, antidepressants, anti-anxiety, with no resources, and no other help, tapped dry physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, total bottom.
     The mirror image is showing you now, what you did to our children and me. I never trusted you for a good reason. All my worst nightmares came true to your departure. Your nightmares came true in my departure.

You left to fight the wiles of the world, and it smacked you right where the sun doesn’t shine.

    I am capable of reaching this goal in its envelopment, which will be seen in this decade. I am patient. I achieved this far from destruction, and I have not been stagnant in my search for the answers. Which I speak not, but write, and I have an understanding of the writings on the wall in Daniel.
     You knew I was going to be the one to end it. I figured it out, from without to within, the destruction from the desolation, to the regeneration of the lost soul. Total restoration through the remarkable passages of death in the flesh, to life eternal. In Him, Through Him, Round about Him in God’s hands are our children’s souls.
    We are not here for nothing. We have not suffered in vain. We are here for a purpose, and it has been unveiled and will be given in faith. Think I am crazy, I mind not.
     My patience in all that discoursed. My knowledge of care. I gave you and your family, whether you deny it, it was done. I was able to look death right in the face and care for it. My death in the flesh came first. It is not cut and dry in any fashion.

I am kind of embarrassed at the envelopment that was brought to my attention, so we all suffered for nothing.

     Still, no not a one, because the horrid cycle has-had taken its toll and it was slammed to the ground, and there it practiced,  and it cast out all outside interference. To find the truth, that is in Him, from Him, In His time, not ours.  Omnipresent and is practiced for publication, my writings, prove this to be true, and no one can take it away.
     We have boundaries, and at this time you and she can not cross over because everything is in God’s time, and it will show itself when the span in His time is accomplished.
      The Editor will protect my better interest, and I will finally be heard for the more significant, so my sisters and brothers, can and will.  Be freed from ancient bondage. In the here and now of a beautiful tomorrow. That was promised To Our Fathers, Fathers, etc. Peace within acquired.
     You are worldly, be that as it may, I am spiritual in writing, not in speech, or my body presence. I think, No! The barrier will be lifted, and my children will know Wendy for who she is, a productive witness in the testimony of Jesus Christ.
     Laugh I care not, through Jesus I found life by the gift, by accepting Him unconditionally. He blessed me, to the unveiling of my life and death. I lived in the flesh to the secret mysteries of faith through Jesus Christ, my reason for living.   

    I go where the Spirit leads me for now, subject to change at any time. November 1997 He gave me back my children January 17, 1998. Wendy Yvette Greenwell July 31, 2014, I have to leave it as is. I do not know how to change, some sentences. Otherwise, it is A-OK.

©1997-2022 inpresenceofspirit.com by Wendy Yvette Greenwell


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