The Prayers need to be read.

The Prayers Need To Be Read It Needs To Activate The Supreme Presence in Spirit

It needs to activate the supreme presence in spirit, where all things are possible. When you read my writings, The Presence of Jesus Christ is in and through my presence in spirit.

We, Entwined in One.

To Declare, The Holy Spirit, Presence in The Spirit of the I of me, Universally Omnipresent, in the oneness of truth, He gave me to produce. I have not hidden it. I did not promote it. It has been sitting on the internet.

“To Declare, The Holy Spirit’s Presence in The Spirit,

of the I of me, that is The Holy Spirit’s, One in Spirit, One in the Lord, Universally Omnipresent, in the oneness of truth, The Holy Spirit gave me to produce, “In Presence of Spirit,” and all the extensions.”

My cell in my inner chamber with Him, meeting me, In the Presence of Our Spirit’s Entwined.

To gather the ultimate plight, to the light, that envelops, when you finally are freed from the bondage of your soul.

Freeing you to breathe in Spiritual Essence of Jesus Christ Living Spirit,

alive in me and you, together to proclaim the resurrection from death to life, in The Love of Jesus Christ, from and to the “remissions of sins and inheritance among them, that are sanctified by faith that is in Jesus Christ.”

The Holy Spirit gave the direction,

and I followed, even though I stumble, The Holy Spirit, say’s, “Go For It!” “Do It!” It is time to share, The Gift of, “In Presence of Spirit.” March 20, 2011, Wendy Yvette Greenwell

© 2011-2024 by Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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