Happy New Year:

1. “Glaucoma Foundation:” The packet has essential information, everyone with glaucoma needs to know.
2. In the future put aside, and into a foundation for people of all deficient resources.
3. Dental, and Eyes and mammograms, and pap smears. Women over the age that they do not help, anymore. Like 42, NO MONEY, NO CHECK UP!
4. This is a legacy to be fulfilled. I believe with all my mind, all my heart, and all my soul. Yeah, I have something, I wrote that needs to be read.
We will overcome by the blood of Jesus Christ.
Lord bring down Your Comfort, In Spirit. Your Presence is United with My Presence, and Our Presence is in, The Writings of “In Presence of Spirit.com”
Lord Jesus Christ, You are and will always be: The Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and The End. The Only Ruler of Our Souls. Bring down Your Holy Spirit. Guide and Direct, Every one of Us, to Your Power Calling. Hold Fast Your Love for All Generations.
Guide Each One, To Your Presence, Lord. If I can, anyone can, Ha! Bless each and everyone with, “Your Touch of Spirit,” so the clearing, can activate, Your World Awakening.
I Love You, Jesus Christ. Thank You for the writings, You Blessed Me to Write, and Communicate, Your Presence in Spirit. Thank You, Lord, Hugs, and Kisses. January 1, 2009
Go through papers one more time.
Input any leftovers. Check, finish or start, 2000, 01, 02, 4, I started 2005, 6, 07, 08. The most significant part is over. Oh Lord, I need to go to the Doctor, and Church. Help In Your blood of Blessings, for Mankind to come in each inner chamber, to find You, in there, “kingdom of heaven within.”
Jesus Christ in my heart, I know it is time, to end this, extended book, of ours. We have not been read yet. Can you imagine! It needed to be ready, and ripe to fall, where it may result in The Heart and Soul of Mankind, to put an end to the pain, and Peace to Our Souls. I know this, in my soul, to be true.
I am not worthy. You made me worthy, to complete before my fifth decade of life. One year, and the big 50. 36 – 48, writing with the Lord. Awesome Conversations, I have had with The Lord, “In Presence of Spirit.”
I never get tired of writing that. “In Presence of Spirit.” It has been exciting to be the mortal author of this, Authentic Presence in Spirit, with me. Broken from bondage, yet again, to prepare the way for the regeneration of our souls. “In Presence of The Holy Spirit.”
I acknowledge this completion of my work of words, through the Spirit of Jesus Christ, to and through me. To anyone who wants to read. I have to remember you are at the end if you’re reading this. This year it will be Published, and it will be read, and understood. January 1, 2009
“Women’s Issue Together” “Safe Haven’s For The Transitional Year after the last fight.”
“To prove the degeneration of our unities broken from bondage, to prepare the way, for the regeneration of our souls.” One can be recycled into the same cycle of abuse, in the emotional, spiritual, put down, and run down. It is hard to see, with the same routine, someone else’s.
Well, I do not want to write about my problems. I have fifteen notebooks of my originals, and edited pieces. I put in a lot of hours of work. Every hour, I did work on it, it helped me through, the hard times.
My sanity. My Christ, My Lord.
I am sharing them with you, “with one heart to heal.” In One with The Holy Spirit of Our Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ. Blessed too, “In Presence of Spirit,” for Eternity.
It is ironic how things, happenings, have unraveled. I am worried, but I have to give it all too, Jesus Christ, because it is only in His Hands, to make all this happen, bringing the negative to positive in every aspect of the reader’s understanding. Even mine, because I have been the only reader. Yes, I have something to be read.
“My Purpose is Entwined In Spirit, In The Oneness of Truth,”
for everyone, not just myself, to experience. What does it mean? It means, everything to be, “In Presence of Spirit,” The Holy Spirit, He left to be our companion, through, and in eternity. This truly is the ending of this: “Wendy’s Conversations with the Lord.” I know you were “In Presence of Spirit,” because I am. God Bless Everyone in The World. Love with one heart to heal. Wendy January 1, 2009, Wendy Yvette Greenwell
© 2009-2024 inpresenceofspirit.com by Wendy Yvette Greenwell