What now my Lord?

Join your hands in faith to Our Father and watch your sufferings subside

I need Your guidance full force. I need to beat the odds. Show me your way. Strongholds of Your Everlasting Presence, from beyond the dead to life in Christ.

For mass healing. A way home for each one of us the world over.

Humanity will benefit. To see it through “In Presence of Spirit.” Peace within to all. We can and will do it. Everyone needs a friend.

    Join your hands in faith to Our Father and watch your sufferings subside. God’s gift is clearing to the renewal in a grand sweep of healing. I have the writings to Publish. People to take care of and children to get back.

    To work positive, not negative. “We are one in the spirit, we are one in the Lord.” All together in harmony for Jesus Christ is among us. We were’ not left alone; God is here in the unseen vision. December 1998 Wendy Yvette Greenwell March 31, 2018, Well, This is the first month since October 2011 that I have Published 30 days.

    I only missed one day. As of this morning, inpresenceofspirit.com is at 1,254,966 views, since I started Publishing on inpresenceofspirit.com December 13, 2013. Altogether 1,864,150 views I am only 135,850 views away from 2,000,000.

    My eyes feel a lot better since my Cataract Surgeries. I am still changing from reading glasses to sunglasses tonight glasses and computer readers. I can not stand not to have some glasses on. My eyes start bothering me. I told the Dr. she says they are okay. So I will keep doing what I am doing, changing glasses all the time.

    It is imperative that I continue to date the writings. I would be lost if I did not have the dates. I chickened out of putting a donate, Social Media, etc. Lord I put inpresenceofspirit.com, “You are, and I am In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord,” in Your Hands, I did it all for You, this is how much I Love You, Lord. February 17, 2019, Wendy

© 1998-2023 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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