Do you want a few prayers, and writings or a lot? A reply, In Spirit, would be great. I so long want to stay, “In Presence of Spirit.” This is fun.
Thanks for the opportunity to share, some of the writings, with you. Oh my God, look at what we are doing together. (He still does not know.)
Wow, we were put here together for a purpose, to be healed through the Holy Spirit’s Hands. A way out of the pits of hell. Kind of like follow the yellow brick road, precise portal. Dead ahead, in the opening of a needle. Right on target. Bull’s Eye and you remember my numerous bull’s eyes.
So that means we have the answers to the inner chamber, secret mysteries, ours’s for the asking. “Come, Jesus Christ,” Come bring Peace to the World, In Christ, We Are.” This is exciting.
I could not write anymore, those letters I wrote tells everything you need to know. It has nothing to do with fame or fortune. It is The Gift of God. Life, Love and the Pursuit of Christ Jesus, in All the Glory.
I am just picking through the fly way’s, last of the pages, I found hiding out of my view, for years. It took me long enough to get out of darkness, where there is no light, not even a spark, then when the spark is ignited, internal purification and we are richly cleansed in Spirit. August 20, 2005, Wendy Yvette Greenwell
You sparked the light that had been dark in me for a while
I have been thinking of what has befallen, (to happen or occur,) our eyes. It is nice, Thanks for asking for my prayers.
You sparked the light that had been dark in me for a while.
Do you want me to find another non-published material? Bites from heavens door. They have no contract on “Conversations with the Lord,” even so “In Presence of Spirit,” is “Conversations with the Lord.”
We will all recover.
Light of Jesus Christ is shining bright, see He put us together for His purpose. He knows, you know, what He blessed me. This is my job. Offer it to the Lord, it is entrusted, and it belongs to the Lord.
Open up the book from time, not so long ago.
Well ten years, 1996 January, I started writing. I would like to hear back from you, but seeing how you are not going to know, till I publish, I know what I am doing.
I think this is what you were’ saying with your message. “*W G* please pray with me,”
I remember the excitement I had when I told you what Jesus was doing with me and my writings. When I told you, you knew I was working on something good. I know you understand.
They are separate writings, and they should have been presented like that, but they were not.
One hundred forty writings in the book. That is why I cannot read the book, it is not complete. So what do I do? I cannot pay for it again. I am glad it is you. We cannot fake this one. You asked, and you are receiving input of a special place called home, in the love of Christ Jesus. To my man I lost and gained through Christ who strengthens me again. Thank you for asking me to pray. Wendy, Author of, “In Presence of Spirit,” even though it has not been found. Oh well, God has His reasons. August 20, 2005, Wendy Yvette Greenwell
I wish I could write, “In Presence of Spirit,” in another language.
I am having a conversation with you, of course, this is more than I speak.
It would be great. It did not sale in English HA! Spanish preferably, because it is such a beautiful language, I do not know any other. Well, we are overwhelmed with the crap falling down the hill, but what we must say is: “We are one in the spirit, one in the Lord.”
Wow, so many years, It is August 20, 2005.
I feel something’s going to happen in October, but that has always been my month, the end anyway, the first cold front. The decrease in the scorching heat of South Texas. I know everyone has their temperatures.
The World is out of control.
Slow down, regenerate. Tap into the very depth of your soul, with Christ Jesus at the head. The Eternal Being can Unite in Triumph over the evil abominations; man has passed down for centuries. From hearsay, beginning, when the first man was here, but the second, The Holy Spirit, is One in Spirit.
Jesus Christ Holy Spirit is our reason for being. The Eternal Presence. We are Spiritual Beings, gaining knowledge, wisdom, and patience. We are going into the dawning of our God-Given Rights.
The Holy Spirit comes In Spirit.
I reaffirmed my dedication to the Lord. The enemy did not like that. “Recognizing not I who am writing, but to all people who yet are afflicted.” quoting myself.
We: I am having a conversation with you, of course, this is more than I speak. I am going a little deeper inside, where the Lord takes care of me, in mind, heart, soul, least I hope for, Lord.
Closer, tapped in gradual, expression, openness, with the Lord’s Sacred Heart.
In Jesus, we are living in the moment at a time. In the Lord, the Holy Spirit guides, and directs, and cleanses the cobwebs of heart and soul, in Spirit.
The Holy Spirit, touches you through the writing in the Bible, almost all the writings of our hearts, and places it in forgiveness, no matter what has happened in the physical. The consequences are how far can I go left until I crash. YUK, a figure of speech.
I have drawn a blank.
Weird, I used to do that when I wrote. Man, it was great to express that awesome present, God gave me, through Jesus Christ Our Savior, In, “In Presence of Spirit,” all is said. But, What? In God’s time, not mine.
Dedication To The Lord, In Spirit Awesome Writing. To have in heaven, and earth, at the same time. Our Spirit’s are Rebuilding, Reconstructing, Our Regeneration from the negative life to positive. In Jesus, We are Alive In Spirit, One with The Holy Spirit, In One Heart, One Mind, In The Presence of Our Most Holy Father.
In the Spirit of Jesus Christ, Our Destiny is Spiritual. How far can we go? I am out of practice, but I know it is The Ultimate Intimacy with Jesus Christ, at the altar washing the fountain of damnation in the ground, and bringing back the real Spiritual Oneness in The Holy Spirit. August 20, 2005, This writing is on my other blog, but this is where it belongs, with the writings of 2005. Wendy Yvette Greenwell
December 12, 2018, I brought the 100 writings on and manually transferred one at a time over here. All my writing together again after six years. I did have to put, “Reflections of In Presence of Spirit, on them.” In actuality, they are all, in
Today is the husband of my youth’s birthday. It is 1212. A big day for the Cosmos. So I decided to edit, and update, and share once again. We do not talk anymore, we have been Divorced 23 years. Going on 18 Grandchildren, we did not get to share. Well, I still have to share these writings, even though, they were written yesterday. January 20, 2019, Wendy
Guide and direct everyone in your way, in Your Majestic name, I do pray. Jesus Christ, My Lord, and Savior, bring down Your Love
Open up the door to understanding again. Bring knowledge to the forefront of our being. Bring wisdom to accept the powers that be. Bring life to the hopeless.
Bring healing waters to flush out the disease of contempt. Bring your words of scripture to the Multitudes. Bring life to the living. Bring healing to the sick. Bring guidance to the assurance of your walk with us, to guide and accept the testimonies.
Bring life to the bones that have been without a face. Jesus Christ come to me a sinner, Jesus help me to come where you want me to be. I Love You, Jesus Christ. Bring down Your Holy Spirit. I so long want to be close to you again. I Love You, Jesus Christ. 2005 Wendy Yvette Greenwell
To give the World, a piece of You and Me, finally coming together, in peace and love of Christ Jesus Our Savior,
and was afraid of painful changes. I used every excuse to blame other events as the cause of my pain, but it was merely me holding on to the memories and trauma that kept the cycle going.
Now, after meditation, prayer, and communion with others living in the Spirit, I can move on with peace and acceptance. I do not have the pain and grief that I used to carry around, and I do not fear my future.
It is pretty hard to accept at first, but I wanted a lot of time and hurt a lot of people, especially the ones, I love and those that love me.
My future is secure in Jesus. I think it is the best news for us, including those that still have not come to believe.
I hope that you can use your spiritual guide. To keep your mind healthy, and pray for today’s problems, as they are opportunities for growth. Sincerely in Christ. August 19, 2005, “the husband of my youth wrote this letter to me.” This is your letter in spirit to me. In Spirit, where we belong to give the World, a piece of You and Me, finally coming together, in peace, and love of Christ Jesus Our Savior, and Lord from God through Jesus Christ to Us, with love. Wendy Yvette Greenwell
Jesus forgives my sins, let me stay steadfast in your calling. Keep me from saying anything else to my ex-husband about us. There is no us, and I do not want to be hurt in any way with that decision. Oh, Lord. Help us. I sent it out. The only thing I could do. I am desperate and you wanted me to do something giant and I did. I Love You Jesus Christ, kisses to heaven. March 10, 2005 Wendy Yvette Greenwell