If you are married, double sorry,

if you have a girlfriend sorry. It is what it is. Seeing what happened on February 9, 2011, that fateful day you called, and said what you did to me. I do not remember word for word and that is a good thing.
It would have been worse had you been married. POWER AND CONTROL. I wanted you to know that he gave my kids back. Twenty three months after our Divorce. I needed to re-coop. I had never worked, the kids would not go to the shelter with me.
When you made that special, is that you activated something in me when you got my attention. You rubbed your hands together, then clapped your hands, and then I looked. Wow, you made me smile, you just stayed with me after that.
It was what sparked a light in my heart, and sent me on to Jesus Christ and my writing. I have been sharing since, October 2011. That is what your short, and sweet conversation did to me. Let me be free to Publish 615 so far writings.
I am telling you this because if I die during the lung surgery, which is serious, you will never know, if you do not already. I loved you then, and I love you now in my Wendy way.
Up until February 9, 2011 before you called. I needed closure and your spirit presence was ripped right out of me. My writing after that was different. Better in ways. I really never let you go though. Even though.
You are the one that activated it, and what up with our eye contact. Not even with my first love, did we ever look as intense as we did, without saying a word. Several times. You took his place ha.
Well, so, inpresenceofspirit.com/mike/, there is a writing or letter to you. It is a long one. I kept adding, over the years. I put it in private several times. Now it is on-line. I have no idea how you will take it, but thank you for acknowledging my existence, it helped me in so many ways.
This site is 358 GB’s. So nothing is summed ? up in a few words. But, “Mike,” will tell you what happened, and why I share my writings with the World, and I am not Social, and I have not made a cent. It is for anyone who wants a little or a lot of time, “In Presence of Spirit.com.”
Dear God I need to, I have to send this to Mike. Surgery three pm., out patient, only one and a half centimeters. I want nothing from you. Well today blood work preliminary before a major surgery the eighth of February, the surgery. If I make it through.
The 12th anniversary of that phone call. Then the 10th my 63 birthday, and my twin 23 minutes later on the 11th, 1960. Big week a head. Chow, I was hurt, I understood why, and it was the best, look what it produced all my writings, and Publications.
I want to say more. My times, “In Presence of Spirit,” are the now time forever more. They were’ written in the now, and forever level of awareness, they became a massive conversation with the Lord, in Spirit.
I am writing in Spirit of every thing I wrote, and you need to know in case I die on Wednesday the 8th of February. Oh Wow. Do I have the courage to send this to you, after telling all that transpired from the acknowledgment to the deliverance, and then actually delivering.
My Mom told me the day you saw me in the convertible. To pray to God for you to be with me. I said no Mom, I will not ever do that. I pray with you in Spirit.
Universal Spirit, a Spirit of one heart, one mind, one soul, entwined in the light of love that transpired when I started writing, the pieces. 1996-2023, December 13, 2013-2023, since it became inpresenceofspirit.com.
I hope one day you will find it. It does not look like you have. I just wanted you to know it was in light, not darkness. I still believe it is in the heaven, and on earth. Even when I am gone.
I guess only so much time. I think I will put the break in. I will not rely on anyone else, while I am recouping, and waiting for the verdict.
It all goes together, piece by piece. It will always be meant to be shared. It will probably be read when I am gone. That was morbid. Truth hurts. I will be under anesthesia, when they go explore in my lung. Sarah, is gone, she passed November 10, 2022, three years after my Son’s passing, November 09, 2019 {Tomorrow 03/03/03, is when my grandson passed.} RIP
Oh, well am I, would I, could I, should I, will I, send it to you. I think I can at the least you are, in presence of spirit with me in my knowing. What true love really is. It is in my writings, with the Lord in Spirit, Universal as one in Spirit, one in the Lord Amen, to everyone for-ever-more.
I am going to Publish, because I can.
It is March 27, 2023, I have been on the patch since February 8, 2023. I have four 21 mg patches left then on to Step 2. Straight up and straight out. It has been 47 days tonight, not one cig. I am not able to force myself to finish a post that is in draft.
I will say, the biopsy is benign, another Cat Scan sometime in the next few weeks. The Radiologist said, three months, the Doctors want it sooner. I am sleeping way to much, staying in my room most of the time. It is to hot in the rest of the house.
The television hurts my ears. 75 – 80 volume at times. I have been Publishing for a decade on this site. Right now I am stuck, the analytics are not executed right. So, it is like I am not a nothing kind of site.
It is for me first, “In Presence of Spirit,” because I wrote it, and it was always meant to be shared. So, I freak out some times because the everything I wrote, and the 620 that I have Published. I was meant to write the website, word for word, to share. Until, whatever is going to happen in the future.
I am recovering, and still obligated, my friend, completely bed ridden. He has a CNA, that comes to bathe him, once a day, 5. Which is a big help, they give him an hour, in fifteen minutes. I stopped complaining. They have a lot of patients but…it does not matter.
I am not working on here, so it has only less than 9000 views this month. Not sure what I am supposed to do! 06/017/2023 46,917 views without working on it for five months. I guess this is not that bad. Well compared to last year 413,000 views. I worked on it a lot.
I had my second cat-scan the one and half centimeter was .02, but there are some small one’s in the right lung. Cat-scan November 3, 2023. Wasting time, I need to do something out of the ordinary to finish this off. My daughter is having a baby at 40, going on 19 grandchildren, and one great grandson, one in heaven.
I hope you are alright about my personal conversations with the Lord, that I have shared with the World. If you do not know about my website, oh well. Wendy, I am leaving it on here.
© 2023 – 2025 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell