May 29, 1996,

Moon and Trees
The Moon through the Trees in the front yard
Twenty-four hours Lord help me in your graces the day and night through

the day before what would have been our fifteenth anniversary he has married again on May 18, 1996, a few months after the divorce. I did not know at this time he was already married.

    In Jesus name, Lord, we are going into tomorrow, twenty-four hours. Lord help me in your graces the day and night through. Let my work be with You.

    For in the World, as is, there are memories of the marriage that could have rectified in working through Christ but was not forgiven, for a purpose.

    Lord if he chooses to marry her I wish them no guile for I am with You in Truth, deceit, UN-trust, do not become me.

    God’s way is truth direction, For I was lost without You, and now I am found. For my Love is in You, through You, round about you. You are The Only Truth that is Omnipresent Yesterday, Today, and forever.

    Lord, please guide our children, let them know I am working on me with You and it is hopefully Your Will for me to be with our children again. “Your will be done.” When it is Your Time Lord.

    Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, in Your Ever Present Blood. “In Jesus We Trust.” May 29, 1996, Wendy Yvette Greenwell March 14, 2018, I started writing in January 1996, so all my 1996 writings are twenty-three years old. February 16, 2019, Wendy

© 1996-2023 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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