This year it is over 100.000 views,

Night Photo in the rain
One of those nights I was taking photos in the dark

with me working very little on it. Last year 413,000 views. I worked on it.

    I am going through a rough time. But I am managing following through with a major medical issue.

    That little cm, nodule that they did a biopsy on, was benign a year ago, but is malignant now, or seems to be. Let me put it this way, it lit up on the pet scan.

    The Dr. wanted to cut out a third of the bottom of my left lung. My twin was with me, said no way. Second opinion. We ended up agreeing to another Radiology go through my side to the lung to get another piece or take it out.

    December 4, 2023. I slept on it. The next day I called the office, and I asked if he was an oncologist. She said, no. I told her cancel that surgery, and I am no longer going there.

    It turns out they sent me to a different Dr. that was on the paper work. It is probably gone now.

    So, I am trying to stay calm, and not totally freak out. I have been hibernating in my room, when not doing the daily devotionals.

    I have wasted time, I could have been working on the writings. I just could not force myself. Twenty eight years, is a long time.

    I have the oncologist appointment on the 19 of January. My ex-husband is going with me. My twin is not here. Four ears are better than two, and his wife does not mind.

    They say The Dr. is the best Oncologist down here. Otherwise, I am going to try, and get into MD Anderson, in Houston. I just want to see if this Dr. can diagnose me, and hopefully, do it down here. That way Richard does not have to go into a Nursing Home.

    I do not think they take my insurance. So I am not answering their calls until, I see the Dr. on the 19th.

    I want to be able to pray, I am trying to get unstuck. I used to get so excited working on my writings, reading them, working on them, writing all of them, reading the King James Version of the Bible.

    It has been an unproductive year on my site, but the site still got over 100,000 views. Here to be content, because again I could not force myself to work on it.

    I need to find inspiration again. It has been to long. I just need some time, until they find out what they are going to do with my left lung.

    I do have six nodules inside both my lungs. But they have not grown, only the one they did the biopsy on, I know I am repeating myself.

    Well, this is as personal as it gets. I did not take care of myself. I am admitting it right here, right now. No if, ands, or buts about it. Wendy

© 2024 inpresenceofspirit.com Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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A Journey from darkness to the light.