Dear Jesus Christ, Bless You.
Bless all Your Angels. Bless all Your Prophets. Bless All Your Congregation. Bless All Your Archangels. Bless Principalities, Dominions, Thrones, and Powers of the straightway.
Bless Everyone, who will read The writings of, “In Presence of Spirit.”
I love You Jesus, please help me, get in shape, be kind, clean up, get more energy, take care of my plants.
I Love You Jesus, take care of our loved ones in heaven with You,
Oh Lord forgive Us and Bless Us All,
All The People that have been killed in wars, destruction, earthquakes, floods, fire, tornado’s, explosions, hurricanes, accidents, cars, planes and trains. Murder’s, all the damage going on in the World.
Oh Lord, bless Everyone
that has been abused, assaulted, raped, in prison. Bless Every Person, in The Whole Wide World, that ever was, is, and ever will be. With Your Love, Strength, Understanding, Courage, Your Love, throughout, All Generations.
Your Magnitude of AWE, To The Sinner in Reconciliation,
To Your Salvation, In You, Through You, Round About You. In Your Grace, for Everyone to Come Home, To The Oneness in Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior. I Love You, Jesus, with all of my heart. May 3, 2003, Wendy Yvette Greenwell
©2003-2022 by Wendy Yvette Greenwell from beginning to end