our things, from storage in San Antonio, our legal child support, plus all the help, we can get. Oh Lord, we need you in our lives. We Need Your Love, Understanding, Knowledge, Courage, Patience, Kindness, Gratitude, Wisdom,
We need mass awareness.
Lord, I am kind of nervous. Lord, we are asking, in prayer for, You to help us, come out of our coma’s, and come into the presence of Your Great Power Calling.
We are here, for Your Purpose.
We can not, and will not stand without You. Even though the multitudes, do not understand me. You guided me through.
I lost to win, through You Lord Jesus Christ,
and I am asking You, to take the control, and guide us through with, “Your Touch of Presence.” In Jesus’ name.
My children and I, and The World need You, now.
And I will only go through, You Lord. You tell us in prayer, to pray straight to You, and this is what I have done, in my writings, since You blessed me to write.
We are OK.
We will be OK, and you do understand. I am here and I ask Your Help, In Jesus Christ Living Loving Name, for regeneration, right here and now. Thank You Lord Jesus, I am finding You again. July 14, 1999, Wendy Yvette Greenwell
I have found in the last three and a half years, “Quicksand.” Every where I turn, with these words that came out of my inner chamber. Ten people have read the first twenty-four pages. I shocked them, no one understood. It was all hush, hush, embarrassed for me or of me, because well, I am who I am, Wendy.
I found relief, through the words of the Prophets, from Christ with love.
The passion, stirred my soul, to the answers of the whole. One Christ, One Mind. The Passion of Christ penetrated a small opening, and words were ignited, out of my heart, through my writing.
I caught the whole incredible trip, from beyond the dead, through Christ’s love. To the opening of everyone’s, everlasting souls, in Peace, not turmoil.
Releasing the generational garbage, at the door of the altar. Healing is inevitable. Will take place for the regeneration of The World.
I wish to remain anonymous, (for now.)
My boasting is through the Spirit, in the faith of Jesus Christ Ever Presence. It seems to me, a call for love came through on paper, for me to share.
As God, is my witness, I will not die before, “In Presence of Spirit,” is wholly submitted. I feel because of The World’s, situation, and my position. I need to cut to the chase.
I am going to send my manuscript to an Editor,
so they can read it, and let me know something. I have enough writings, to make a book, possibly two. Even if I were never to write another word, all were captured in, “In Presence of Spirit.”
I have twenty-four months of pages, like these, all pertain for the love of Christ, in the faith of, the Spirit’s Ever Presence. We are here for a purpose.
My purpose was to write, “In Presence of Spirit.”
Extended version, easy but complicated reading. I feel it will ease other people’s pain. I have originals and excerpts, on most of my writings. Dated.
I cannot speak in this form, and I have weakened myself, and I am no longer, able to write in Spirit. I am in the stress of my whole situation, and I need fast help.
No one has given me the go-ahead. Every one of my family etc. Have told me to burn it, to store it, to forget about it, it is only meant for me. I can not forget.
I have spent my life in preparation for the fulfillment of, “In Presence of Spirit,”
And I will not let my love, my life, my reason for living still, not be read. So putting all the negative behind, I go forward, to sending these pages to hopefully, an Editor, that would readily, be willing to read it, in its entirety, and possibly give me a little support.
There is understanding, take the chance. I can not get over the fact, that I have writings, that need to be read, with an open heart, and an open mind. I am just sorry, I have lost the ability, and inspiration, in me but, it is evident, in the writings. I still believe. Let me know please. April 7, 1999 Wendy Yvette Greenwell, I did send it, the person wrote me back, and said she did not have time to read it.
Get over it, OK. Oh Lord have mercy on Us. Forgive me, my sins. We are worthy, to accept, the testimonies, herein. I am not alone. We can not torment ourselves over, and over, after Salvation, because we are cleansed. Lord teach me, Your Will. Guide and direct me, To what, You want me to do, with our writings. I do not know where to go. I do not know who, to send it.
Oh Jesus, Your Resurrection to Life Eternal, is Complete. You are waiting for us, to make up our minds. Can there be the presence of spirit, living in me? Wanting to be set free, wanting the powers, that fill The Spirit, with more power. To Produce through, Mankind Healing, from You through them. What am I asking for? But a chance to be read. December 25, 2007, Wendy Yvette Greenwell
The Comforter. The restorer of the breach. The Alpha and Omega. The Beginning and The End.
A Call for World Intersession, In You, Through You, Round About You. Open the hearts and minds of All Your People. Bring cleansing of body, heart, mind, and soul. To the absolute truth, You are “In Presence of Spirit.”
I resolve to put my life,
My love, my only reason for still being in this world of confusion. To the forefront of The Holy Spirit’s, complete direction.
Holy Spirit,
there is nothing more than, I want to complete, our book, “In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.“
I call upon The Holy Spirit:
Open my mind, to clear understanding. Ask the question? He will answer. Come into me Holy Spirit teach me, “thy kingdom come; thy will be done.” Bring light to the internal purification. Spread Your Light, To The Multitudes.
Open up everyone’s soul, to understanding. In Jesus Christ Name: Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, I have been a bolder, (bold) Spirit. To the oneness of truth.
I have been spontaneous,
And I have worked on my writings for years. I believe all that is transcribed, and I did not copy. All the writings are, “In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.”
“Our’s Jesus Christ,” Powerful entire of itself.
Thank You, for igniting the light, in my heart. I am ready to begin a ritual cleansing, in spirit. I am prepared only through my asking in Jesus Christ name:
Come Holy Spirit, open up the gates, for:
The Reunion of Souls. Holy Spirit, You heard my call, and you know our need. Not in greed, but in Charity. In love for every brother and sister, to come home to Father God, in heart soul revelation, realizations Help me June 6, 2006 Wendy Yvette Greenwell
“You are, and I am In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.” Thank You, for stopping by. These writings are my conversations with the Lord. When all my world came tumbling down, Jesus Christ gave me, all my times, “In Presence of Spirit.” So Yes, I have treasured them, they are all, unique to me. I have always wanted to share them, with anyone, that want’s to read them.
Thank You, for reading, my writings.
I know, I should have, could have, would have, made it simple to put together. I did not pay attention, “literally” to the fine detail, the words were there. Now to this final episode of my writing, “In Presence of Spirit.”
It is not a secret anymore. It is all for, Jesus Christ; The Lord is the only reason for my existence because, without the Lord, I was so full of internal pain.
Within the Spirit of The Presence,
I gained an insight, that has to be shared with the World. I do not care what anyone says, or does not say, for that matter.
To date: 88 hours of readers, reading, my writings. From the first of December to the 15th of December, and you know, who you are. Thank you for reading my precious moments, “In Presence of Spirit with the Lord.”
19,554 views. for December so far. 396,161 + 13,189 for last December 13-31 = 409,350 + 508,289 same writings. So my writings have been read or viewed, 917,639 times. The writings, of “In Presence of Spirit,”are 82,361 views, away from a million.
I once again, am out here, all by myself.
Only with the will of my Father, who is in heaven. Always having to, “look past myself,” and share these writings, with you. It is in The Lord’s hands. I am following through with evolving, every writing, I have Published, on My Website.
This is my calling; it has been for a long time. The messages are in the writings. The prayers, the verses, the praises, the poems are in the heavens, and they are in my heart. They are all blessed with, The Holy Spirit’s Presence, in: “In Presence of Spirit,” every extension.
It is, The Holy Spirit’s, Presence of Spirit,
that has brought this massive manuscript, a little closer, to where it will find, the ones, that are in distress, lost, searching and not finding, some respite.
Maybe you do not see it, the way I do.
All I know, it was placed in my heart, to share, to anyone, who is searching, and not finding, who they are looking for. In a spiritual context. Not as per, a person. It has taken me a year, to write a greeting. Sorry, it took so long. Welcome once again to, “You are and I am In Presence of Spirit in Conversations With The Lord.” Wendy Yvette Greenwell December 16, 2014, inpresenceofspirit.com