Someone said,

“My Trees making music with the wind.”

“I would rather listen than read.” I did not say anything about my writings. It made me think of them though.

How can I record each writing

And Publish it? I have the where for art thou. I do! Send me someone to help me Publish My Way of reading my writings with a video of Sunsets, Moons, and My Trees. Help me Lord, do this soon! How do I record and video the writings? What music should be in the background? I know, “My Trees making music with the wind.”

Perfect, We can do it, Lord,

“You and I, We are, In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.” I love how it all goes together, no matter where I start and leave, for a time, it all means the same thing to me.

This is my purpose in this my existence!

    I have been bold to Publish my writings. To me, they are here for Our Purpose. To gather the broken hearts, To Bring Peace To The Eternal Truth of Our Existence, To Bring Healing Waters of Love, Hope, and Faith. To Bring The Love of Our Father, Who is in Heaven to The home, in Every One of Us, Forever More.

Take the deception of the negative side of the whole situation.

    Which is Full Out Alert, I say: “What in the World People. Now, do you know how we got here? It was not an easy task.

    Our World is at the hands of Rulers from other Countries and Our Own President. I have 16 Grandchildren, one in heaven. Am I suppose to fear for our daily presence on this beautiful planet, we all call Home.

    I give All You Rulers The Presence of God’s Holy Spirit. To Stop The Madness, and bring Peace to all my Brothers and Sisters World Without End.

I Plead The Blood of Blessings of Jesus Christ Holy Spirit,

to rain down heavenly manna of healing old wounds and showing the way out of darkness, to the Peace that comes from Jesus Christ Resurrection to Life Eternal.

    My Son’s 18 Wheeler broke down 28 miles from a town in Mississippi; he had to wait an hour and a half for help.

    Twenty-two years since I started writing my journal. Thirty years, three decades since I wrote, “In Presence of Spirit.” Oh Lord Help! Do I Publish this? I know I should. After I finished writing, I went and read my writing to Richard. He likes all of them. I only had to change one sentence. It was automatic writing. It has not happened in a while.

    I found some questions. I know they will be answered. Even if I still, do it all by myself. I am in my sixteenth year of being Richard’s Companion and helper of all his needs. He is 74 now. I asked him what 555,000 x 2 he told me in seconds 1,110,000.

    I have not checked the Stats in months. I am not working on writings like I used to. I will Publish this writing sometime today. An unusual circumstance. A need to be free in expression and Love for All Mankind. God Bless The World; God Bless You and Me. Wendy Yvette Greenwell April 18, 2017

    I do not know why I made this private. I am going to re-Publish. I can not force myself to work on my writings. Very little activity because of it. Maybe I will feel better after the Cataract Surgeries, October 2017, only time will tell.

© 2017-2024 by Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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