Hi to everyone that has read, inpresenceofspirit.com.

Hi to everyone that will read my writings, “You are, and I am In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.” I am finishing up the sitemaps. It is all so weird to me. All these hundreds of personal writings that I have Published.
Today is my Anniversary
Of my Divorce. 19 years. What a perfect day to finish the first 354 writings off. I guess there is no reason for me to go back, over them again. The hard part is going forward. I feel like I am at the beginning. Where do I start? I am in my 20th year of working on, “In Presence of Spirit’s Extensions.” Now, what am I suppose to do?
Only time will tell.
I have to organize my writings. I know I have more to Publish. I am not ready, to dive into, all that is left over. I am not burnt out on the writings. I need to give myself a break, and work on all my plants.
Thank You, Jesus Christ,
For giving me the go-ahead, to follow through with all that is, “In Presence of Spirit,” and all its extensions. From 1 to 354 and all it’s associates. All being, “You are, and I am In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.”
“In Presence of Spirit.” The Book is mine. All the writings of “You are, and I am In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.” Are mine, and I share them with you. February 20, 2015
Surely this is out of the blue,
February 21, 2015, I have had a great time, Publishing my writings. I love all of them, the writings, the pictures, the Publishing. The getting it right the fourth time around in 15 months. 470,219 views on this site, and of course the 508,289 on my bloggers. 978,508 views.
Of course, this does not cover everything. The spiders, the bots, etc., everything that entails a Web Site. I learned from scratch. I do not want to put any more writings on here. I am tired. I have given everything; I possibly can, to help you find, who you are searching for.
I am drained, and I have to give it to the Lord. 20 years is what it is. Through the darkest hour of my soul, came all these writings, to one day share. I have shared it.
How can I top any of this off?
I can not. So the rest of my writings, I am going to keep to myself. I poured my heart and soul on paper, my most intimate conversations with the Lord, and shared them because “He is, Worthy of All My Praise.”
The Lord is the one, who took that gut-wrenching pain out of my gut, and gave me room to breathe, “In Presence of Spirit.” He never took it away from me. Even when I was in darkness, it would always brighten my day, to be “In Presence of Spirit,” with the Lord.
So with all this. There is no book, to be published again. No more writings are being Published. All these writings are protected by The Lord and His Ever Presence; He always and forever knows who wrote them, all of them.
I have over a hundred users right now. I still do not know what they do on my site, and how they see it. Or what it even means to be a user on someone’s website. Hello My inpresenceofspirit.com
Not going to Social it, tried it. At the least now I can say it has been viewed. Well, Thank You for reading the writings of, “You are, and I am In Presence of Spirit in Conversations with the Lord.” Wendy’s “inpresenceofspirit.com” February 21, 2015
2/22/15 I guess it is subject to change.
I was feeling overwhelmed, and I made a decision, “out of the blue,” as this writing is called. So I am going to give myself some time, and keep my options open. Wendy
February 24, 2015, I bought an awesome wall unit for fifteen dollars. I am finally organizing everything, and I am finding pages that I feel belong here with the rest of the writings.
Lord forgive me for trying to keep the rest for myself. I just needed a break, and my wall unit. It makes a big difference, to have this right next to the computer. I still have some work to do, and then I am going to start inputting again. I want to start right now. It is always hard for me, for some of the writings, but I feel they are meant to be Published anyway.
© 2015-2024 inpresenceofspirit.com by Wendy Yvette Greenwell