You put it all down on the table.

You Gave It Your Attention

You gave it your attention. You played with it. You prayed with it. You worked diligently on it. You double multiplied it. You treasured it. You created it, In the Presence of, Jesus Christ Holy Spirit, United.

You contemplated it. It came out of you, Wendy. 

You held on to it, and never let it go. You began it. You end it.

You declared it. It is, it’s own, “Declaration of Proclamation.”

With no one, but Jesus Christ Holy Spirit, through me, Entwined, “In Presence of Spirit,” With Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit. Through Him, To Me. From Him, In Me. Beside Him, Entwined with Him. United, In His Presence. Round About, The Glory of Jesus Christ, In The Presence of Spirit, with Me, In Writing, To The World.

“with no one, but Jesus Christ Holy Spirit, through me, entwined, “In Presence of Spirit,” with Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, through the Lord, to me, from the Spirit, in me. Entwined with The Holy Spirit, United in The Source Presence in Spirit. Roundabout, The Glory of Jesus Christ, “In Presence of Spirit,” with me, in writing to the World.” edited, keep original right where it is. 10/23/18

It is felt. No one can say that this “fact,” is not true.

Jesus Christ, You are The Light of The Universe. You are The Son of God. Through You, God gave You, Eternal Life, Through Your Life, Your Ministry, Your Death, Your Resurrection to Life Eternal.

Only Through You, is the only gate, that will bring, Salvation, Complete, In The Oneness of Truth, which alone, You Possess.

For the remission is only forgiven, in the redemption, through Jesus Christ, from God, for the very purpose, of Our Existence. It is so much more than the sinner’s prayer. Always has been, still will be. No one can tell me, any different.

 I came from, without hope. To The One Hope, Christ offers through The Magnificent Gift,

of Finding The Holy Spirit, In The Inner Chamber of Yours, Mine, and Our Soul, everyone. The Kingdom of Heaven is Within Our Eternal Being. March 5, 2011, Wendy Yvette Greenwell

©2011-2022 by Wendy Yvette Greenwell

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